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Yes, me. I usually get up at 9 and don't start eating until my first lecture at 11.


Any plans for the winter break?


Haha me too! People look at me funny when I tell them that


Start learning sax, catch up on video games and go to montreal or something


Do you feel obligated to intervene when someone you know is making a really bad decision?

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Haha me too! People look at me funny when I tell them that


Start learning sax, catch up on video games and go to montreal or something


Do you feel obligated to intervene when someone you know is making a really bad decision?


Yes, I do but I generally keep it to myself unless the person is really dear to me.


Are you happy that there's no writing section on MCAT from 2013?

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tell me about it.



what is a tradition you enjoy doing for the holidays


I don't celebrate Christmas, but before I became vegetarian I loved ordering Chinese food. Om nom nom. I no longer enjoy that, though, because I only ever really liked deep-fried chicken dishes. Now I'd have to say just visiting my grandparents in Florida, but not doing that this year :(.


Do you recycle containers that haven't been 100% cleaned out?

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I don't celebrate Christmas, but before I became vegetarian I loved ordering Chinese food. Om nom nom. I no longer enjoy that, though, because I only ever really liked deep-fried chicken dishes. Now I'd have to say just visiting my grandparents in Florida, but not doing that this year :(.


Do you recycle containers that haven't been 100% cleaned out?


I do, am I poisoning the earth?


Would you rather pay tremendous amounts for school in a subject you love, or get free education in a subject you don't like?

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i'd do the latter, i tend to like almost everything, at least the challenge of figuring it out at least.. then i'd pay for the prior with my mundane education in engineering, which i'd turn into something uber cool in a grad degree instead of the boring stantec/oilfield path...


i want an m5, what do you want (car silly?)




I do, am I poisoning the earth?


Would you rather pay tremendous amounts for school in a subject you love, or get free education in a subject you don't like?

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i'd do the latter, i tend to like almost everything, at least the challenge of figuring it out at least.. then i'd pay for the prior with my mundane education in engineering, which i'd turn into something uber cool in a grad degree instead of the boring stantec/oilfield path...


i want an m5, what do you want (car silly?)


Rolls Royce :cool:


what do you want?

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could go for an audi a8 too... i love my sexy germans


if i were to ever get a luxury car i think i'd do a landroverssss


do u play an instrument... if so, what's your dream model??

haha same. M5 and a8 are really nice cars btw :D

I played the keyboard as a kid -- but it got stolen from me (:mad::( ) and that ended any music aspirations I had as my mother refused to replace it for me lol ... so no I don't play an instrument.


Favourite genre of music?

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literally everything, from acoustic folk jewel, to tegan and sarah, to nine inch nails and rammstein, deadmau5, bassnectar, tiesto, rihanna, birthday massacre, tool, britney, lol, ya, everything... just no country, lol


yeah, for sure, performance and tight curve hugging beats luxury boats any day...


i love my telecaster mods more than life, only guitars i wont sell ever... none of my bases or keyboards are all that endearing at the moment... my octave pedal is <3 though (think death from above 1979... that was all done on bass guitar, lol) though


have you ever performed on stage (comedy, music, big presentation for political advocacy or whatever... anything... but for a big audience (200 plus maybe))


haha same. M5 and a8 are really nice cars btw :D

I played the keyboard as a kid -- but it got stolen from me (:mad::( ) and that ended any music aspirations I had as my mother refused to replace it for me lol ... so no I don't play an instrument.


Favourite genre of music?

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have you ever performed on stage (comedy, music, big presentation for political advocacy or whatever... anything... but for a big audience (200 plus maybe))

Nope. I would like to though in the future ... maybe a TED talk or something lol granted I'd need to accomplish something first to have something to talk about to begin with.


Do you make your bed after you wake up or before you go to sleep?

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mmm... i square it to the bed, but can't stand tucking it in, lol


nah, not at all, i remember once for this school competition thing for a ski trip our music wouldn't load for like 6 minutes, so i had to make sexual innuendo and do a little shtick for like 200 people... one of the only times on stage i was actually nervous, since it was totally on the spot, and we had this choreo'd thing set up... i always volunteer for the news too, prob like 6 interviews... lol, i won't go into my other stage experiences... they're not pm101 acceptable, lol


best country in the world to visit?


Nope. I would like to though in the future ... maybe a TED talk or something lol granted I'd need to accomplish something first to have something to talk about to begin with.


Do you make your bed after you wake up or before you go to sleep?

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mmm... i square it to the bed, but can't stand tucking it in, lol


nah, not at all, i remember once for this school competition thing for a ski trip our music wouldn't load for like 6 minutes, so i had to make sexual innuendo and do a little shtick for like 200 people... one of the only times on stage i was actually nervous, since it was totally on the spot, and we had this choreo'd thing set up... i always volunteer for the news too, prob like 6 interviews... lol, i won't go into my other stage experiences... they're not pm101 acceptable, lol


best country in the world to visit?

hmm, I would say either Germany or Turkey. Both have a lot of culture, history, beautiful architecture, lots to see overall and of course good food (at least in Turkey. Not sure about German food)


Seeing as 2012 is nearly over, has it been a good year for you so far?

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hmm, I would say either Germany or Turkey. Both have a lot of culture, history, beautiful architecture, lots to see overall and of course good food (at least in Turkey. Not sure about German food)


Seeing as 2012 is nearly over, has it been a good year for you so far?


Ups and downs. I have learned to accept the good with the bad, until you live without shelter, food, and clothing you can't ***** about that much.


Are you in a relationship, if so are you dating, or married?

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hmmm, pretty decent, first half was really chill... the second half has been really busy though... a lot of work at setting up for next year, time to quit the patent office though, i have a feeling i've been enough of a sieve long enough to know when it's far past overkill... i'm betting on a fantastic next decade though... not that i dont enjoy slaving away... it's sort of like that feeling when you know your going to ace your finals no contest, it's very relaxing


how old were u for your first kiss?




hmm, I would say either Germany or Turkey. Both have a lot of culture, history, beautiful architecture, lots to see overall and of course good food (at least in Turkey. Not sure about German food)


Seeing as 2012 is nearly over, has it been a good year for you so far?

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hmmm, pretty decent, first half was really chill... the second half has been really busy though... a lot of work at setting up for next year, time to quit the patent office though, i have a feeling i've been enough of a sieve long enough to know when it's far past overkill... i'm betting on a fantastic next decade though... not that i dont enjoy slaving away... it's sort of like that feeling when you know your going to ace your finals no contest, it's very relaxing


how old were u for your first kiss?


The day I was born. :P


How old we're you for your first smooch?

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