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Right question uhhh

How often do you get distracted when you study, and what's the resulting time wasted:actual studying ratio?


"Study (verb) - The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby. "- so very true

It really depends on whether I want to be distracted or not.


Do you study at home or on campus?

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At home, I don't like to stuudy at school

Do you think you're going to feel like it was all worth it when you're finally a doctor?

I haven't had to sacrifice anything, and it's not like I'm putting my life on hold in the process of. It's just a goal I want to accomplish for myself. When I'm finally a doctor, I'm not going to think "oh wow I wasted the past 10 years of life. So worth it" ... I'll probably think "cool, what else do I want to do with my life?"


What do you usually do on New Years?

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I haven't had to sacrifice anything, and it's not like I'm putting my life on hold in the process of. It's just a goal I want to accomplish for myself. When I'm finally a doctor, I'm not going to think "oh wow I wasted the past 10 years of life. So worth it" ... I'll probably think "cool, what else do I want to do with my life?"


What do you usually do on New Years?


Get *I don't know where up is anymore* drunk


Have you ever woken up totally confused about where you were or what day/time of day it is?

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Get *I don't know where up is anymore* drunk


Have you ever woken up totally confused about where you were or what day/time of day it is?


Yes. A few years ago, I had the flu and was really, really sick. Had a scary high fever for several days. My husband had to work so he left our son and I at my parents' house. I have no memory of the time (a few days) I was there until the point at which my fever broke and I woke up. I was so, so confused.


Star Wars or Star Trek?

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star wars


whose questions entertain you the most?


Yes. A few years ago, I had the flu and was really, really sick. Had a scary high fever for several days. My husband had to work so he left our son and I at my parents' house. I have no memory of the time (a few days) I was there until the point at which my fever broke and I woke up. I was so, so confused.


Star Wars or Star Trek?

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Nobody's, all the questions are so vanilla and boring "what's your favourite kind of soup"....


What's the first law you would pass if you became supreme leader of canada?


Health care oversight independent of political affiliation. True reform will never happen when tied to politics.


Face down, or bum up? Lol

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hmm... i think the social (human issue - not the shut down the oilsands save the whales, lol, oh gosh, must suck living in a province where you don't need a hs diploma to get a 70 g job and unemployed hippies are opposed to pipelines which would let us share the wealth with rest of canada) lefties would all cream themselves if i became supreme leader


i'd drastically increase funding for technology and innovation from start to finnish... canada is a breeding ground for development, just as other countries are breeding grounds for making money by buying our developments and mass producing them


i'd also abolish the senate and place stricter rules on mp performance


i'd also greatly increase education funding, shift money from sick care to preventative health... hmmm, maybe i should run for mp... all i have to do is join the conservative party here and i'd be elected hands down


who do you support party wise (or in other words, dislike the least)


Nobody's, all the questions are so vanilla and boring "what's your favourite kind of soup"....


What's the first law you would pass if you became supreme leader of canada?

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