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Someone like you - Adele. Makes me cry my eyes out just thinking of it, and I've only heard it once in its entirety.


What song never fails to put you in a good mood?


It might be cliche, but "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. I've loved that song... Since.... A LONG time. My Mom used to play it in the car (on cassette!) on roadtrips. Now that I've seen U2, Journey is the only other MUST SEE bad on my list :o.


A song that you get in your head and can't get rid of for days (aka "earworm")?

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It might be cliche, but "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. I've loved that song... Since.... A LONG time. My Mom used to play it in the car (on cassette!) on roadtrips. Now that I've seen U2, Journey is the only other MUST SEE bad on my list :o.


A song that you get in your head and can't get rid of for days (aka "earworm")?


I want to go - Britney Spears


Which spice girl OR backstreet boy are you?

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My cats usually wake me up between 0500 and 0600. I feed them, then go back to sleep until around 0800. Then I'm up.


Peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, or peanut butter and bananas on sandwiches, or no peanut butter at all?


All the above?


Do you pee in the shower? (lol)

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Nope! No cavities either :D


What's your blood type?.... or if that's too personal... do you read your horoscope?


I'll answer both...

O+ and yes, sometimes. More for a laugh than anything!


Do you speak any other languages? If so what? (Also, can you swear in more languages than you can converse in?:D)

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Swedish/unknown/aboriginal on my mom's side

When the anglos met the saxons on my dad's side


Do you want children someday?


yes. But right now I smell like baby puke from an afternoon with a 2 month old, and I'm content to say I don't want kids *yet* :)


Have you ever tried surfing?

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yes. But right now I smell like baby puke from an afternoon with a 2 month old, and I'm content to say I don't want kids *yet* :)


Have you ever tried surfing?


No, but I'd like to! If I can learn how to swim MUCH better first :o


The book you hated the most? (Twilight for me)

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Yes, but perhaps not as much... and no, first aid+cpr education should be free and easily accessible, imo.


How often do you get a haircut and how much do you pay?


Every couple of months or so. $13


What would you do if you won $50 million from the lottery?

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