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A giant asteroid comes crashing to the earth then Ben Affleck, Bruce Wills, Owen Wilson, and other people travel up to the asteroid and blow it up. And the world does end in metaphorical sense for Liv Tyler (daughter of Bruce) as her father plants a deadman switch on the bomb killing himself and saving the Earth.



do you rent a locker from your school?


No, they're lousy toilets.


What do you do when you're bored to death?

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lily's cardiology (which was actually really good and interesting!)


sexiest gay celebrity (of the sex you'd be attracted too)?


I don't use iTunes for music, just download it for free =) and it's Survivor - Eye of a Tiger

The name of the last book you'd finished reading for less than two days?

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lily's cardiology (which was actually really good and interesting!)


sexiest gay celebrity (of the sex you'd be attracted too)?


Rupert Everett. (depends on what you consider "sexy"... lol)


If you were in a stable financial situation, would you go to the airport right now and ask for a ticket anywhere? For example "Give me a first ticket out of here..." (not knowing where this ticket might take you...)

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Rupert Everett. (depends on what you consider "sexy"... lol)


If you were in a stable financial situation, would you go to the airport right now and ask for a ticket anywhere? For example "Give me a first ticket out of here..." (not knowing where this ticket might take you...)



Would you buy this ticket that Leap described?

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What would you do with 1 million dollars?


Spread some around my immediate family and probably invest a hefty chunk (once the market turns around:p ). My day to day life would not change much.


What is the longest amount of time you have spent on youtube?

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Spread some around my immediate family and probably invest a hefty chunk (once the market turns around:p ). My day to day life would not change much.


What is the longest amount of time you have spent on youtube?


Oh not much at all... maybe a couple of hours?


What is the longest amount of time you've spent on facebook? :P

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Favourite wine?


White (currently my favourite white wine: Dienhart Piesporter Riesling:




It's actually a pretty inexpensive wine, and it's not to sweet and not too dry. Just right:D Haha! I wonder if this is what Goldilocks sounds like as an adult ;))


Doing anything exciting for the long weekend?

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White (currently my favourite white wine: Dienhart Piesporter Riesling:




It's actually a pretty inexpensive wine, and it's not to sweet and not too dry. Just right:D Haha! I wonder if this is what Goldilocks sounds like as an adult ;))


Doing anything exciting for the long weekend?




Do you wear pajamas when you sleep?

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