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The worst experience/choice

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interesting thread :) i would say never join a club where it's a bunch of people just getting their friends to be execs so they can say they were the "president" or "VP", and all they really want is someone else to do all the work while their friends do nothing, but get more credit. i joined a couple of clubs like this and really regretted it and even ended up leaving because it was just so dumb. so i would say, join more reputable clubs on campus and ones in which you see everyone does their part!

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yeah but their reference letters get you great scholarships and they're great for job references ;) (i mean if you start ur own club with friends...)


interesting thread :) i would say never join a club where it's a bunch of people just getting their friends to be execs so they can say they were the "president" or "VP", and all they really want is someone else to do all the work while their friends do nothing, but get more credit. i joined a couple of clubs like this and really regretted it and even ended up leaving because it was just so dumb. so i would say, join more reputable clubs on campus and ones in which you see everyone does their part!
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worst experience is when you run a DNA gel, gel looks perfect but you forgot to add ladder, or doing PCR and forgot to add the polymerase.

Haha, your post brings back some nightmarish memories!! It's even worse when you're trying to get yourself established in a new lab and end up wasting a bunch of gels over the first week.


In my defense, those were the first ever gels I had run at that point.

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worst experience is when you run a DNA gel, gel looks perfect but you forgot to add ladder, or doing PCR and forgot to add the polymerase.


Haha thanks for the tips! I start in a genetics research lab in 2 weeks and now I won't make a fool of myself or waste time! :)


I remember a friend who didn't completely seal the lid on a centrifuge on his first day and it started to vibrate like crazy and fell off the table and shot the glassware inside it everywhere! I would have been mortified, especially since the machine is worth more than most summer salaries! Luckily the PI was a nice guy and was understanding.

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worst experience is when you run a DNA gel, gel looks perfect but you forgot to add ladder, or doing PCR and forgot to add the polymerase.


Hahaha. This reminds me of my first week in my lab when I did a digest but forgot to add the restriction enzymes...needless to say, nothing happened.

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Speaking of lab mistakes, I ran a qPCR one day and instead of a nice sigmoidal curve for results, all I got was a bunch of squiggles.


Turns out I'd forgotten to put the qPCR plate into the machine; all I'd done was run a qPCR of air. My results are currently hanging on my lab's wall of shame :o

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But if you wanted some actually useful advice, I would say the biggest mistake I made was being super anxious about getting into medicine in my first two years of undergrad. I did so much better in my classes once I finally learned to just calm down. Recognize that there is more to life, and your application will probably be better off for it.


I also should have transferred out of a first-year English course once the professor told us that she's only ever given one A in her twenty years of teaching (I'm not sure how she got away with doing that). Try talk to other students who have had that prof before, or look on rate-my-prof, find out about that stuff ahead of time.

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worst experience would have to be going into a degree program to get the nice pay cheque and not for something I was/am interested in. It was a waste of two and half years with horrible marks and taking on some debt in the process.


The biggest thing is to figure out what you want to do, determine the steps, and give it your all.

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worst experience would have to be going into a degree program to get the nice pay cheque and not for something I was/am interested in. It was a waste of two and half years with horrible marks and taking on some debt in the process.


The biggest thing is to figure out what you want to do, determine the steps, and give it your all.


If it is not a secret, what exactly did you do?

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Speaking of lab mistakes, I ran a qPCR one day and instead of a nice sigmoidal curve for results, all I got was a bunch of squiggles.


Turns out I'd forgotten to put the qPCR plate into the machine; all I'd done was run a qPCR of air. My results are currently hanging on my lab's wall of shame :o


LOL. Nice. Taq Polymerase was probably like...wtf is going on???

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