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LOR from Physians?

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One time a medical student came to my high school and said that she reieved her LOR from her Family Physian. I've heard from other people as well that a letter from a physian is advantageous. Is it true? Are there in schools that specifically require letter from doctors? Are those that submit letters from doctors add more advantage at all?

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Iam not sure if it will be to an advantage or not but i will also have one from my FD who also sits on adcoms for UofT.


Either way, this person knows me and was one of people in the beginning who asked me to seriously consider pursuing medicine and i think *that's* the more important factor than this person being a FD - that he recognized something in me that was Doctor material and can articulate that in a letter.

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There is no advantage whatsoever to obtain a LOR from your family phyisician unless he he can credibly write about your character and those traits being sought after for med school from his personal knowledge.


A physician per se is unimportant as referee, rather you need to have someone credible who strongly advocates for you based upon personal knowledge that comes out in the LOR. It can be a h.s. teacher, prof., sports coach, music or ballet teacher, volunteer or research supervisor, employer, etc.

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