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Engineering and Medicine?


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hey guys


i know that there is no required undergrad for medicine but i have interest in both medicine and engineering. Would it be possible to do an undergrad in engineering and still get into medical school? I know that engineering has a heavy course load so I might not be able to get all the pre reqs done.


Anyone else know more about this?

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i'm pretty sure there a few pre-meds on here or med students who've gone that route. definitely possible. also the whole "we don't recommend any specific UG" that many schools say... and i'm pretty sure uwo, at least, has 3 spots specifically for people who want to finish up their eng degree while "in med school", if that makes sense.




feel free to correct me if my understanding is off...


but my point is you can obvi do UG eng and then meds, and that in some cases there are actually unique routes for ugeng=>meds.

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Hi there,


Engineering is a route that I have taken. Although it is hard to juggle 6 courses per semester and I am sure my GPA is slightly lower than those who stuck to psychology I wouldn't have it another way. I love what I am doing, I love my program and the profs who are so understanding. There are plenty of engineering organizations to get involved in, all in all it was a great choice for me. If you love math and physics, you would love engineering.

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I am in my third year of engineering at uwo - markov is correct in that there is a concurrent eng/medicine program that lets you apply to uwo after only 3 years of undergrad (this is what I am doing http://www.eng.uwo.ca/undergraduate/Mechanical/MechanicalandMedicine.pdf) . So I applied to uwo med this year through that program.


I definitely think it's harder to get a high gpa in eng with the larger course load (this is my first time only having 5 exams - I have always had 6-7 each semester), and you have to take extra courses if you do the concurrent program compared to the others in your year. That being said, I have managed to get a gpa high enough, and if you do well in calculus/physics then you will likely do well in engineering.


It is possible to take prereqs in the summer - like orgo or bio or whatever - I did not. I know that limits where I can apply in Ontario, and if I don't get into uwo through the concurrent program I might consider taking them in the summer.


Any other questions?

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