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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


Are you a Yorkie?  

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All classes are to resume. Motion failed.


I'll be curious to see the details of the latest offer put forward by CUPE because right now it does not appear they hold much leverage with classes being allowed to resume. Only thing they have going for them is they are the graders for a significant number of assignments/exams and if the student population continues to remain at 50%'ish levels next week.


Something tells me that York, right now, will reject or counter CUPE's offer and then we'll see what kind of stones CUPE has...

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Do I have any shot at a volunteer research position at camh with no research experience? The research forum is kinda dead. 


No harm in applying.



Back on cupe:


I feel like some members don't realize what York's plan is. I've seen some claim that students cant graduate on time without their grades - that's the point. Now the student body has more reason to blame cupe for their academic issues.

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Think it really depends on what that counter is. I have a hunch that you'll see movement on #2 and #3 but none on indexation which will further split the membership. York did it once so why wouldn't it work again?


Best and brightest my ass lol


Is anyone on the BT a lawyer?

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If I were to drop a course by the deadline of April 17th rn at York, would it have any effect on my med school chances? Like I will not get penalized or astrick'd because I dropped a course before the grade showed up on my transcript kinda thing.


Would I get something on my transcript that would give off red flags?


Just wondering lol, havent dropped a course yet but that might be a real possibility if i want to have a decent-ish GPA. 

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I really had to laugh yesterday during the Senate meeting. Some woman named Janet Morrison (who I have now come to learn is Vice-Provost Students) talk about using "evidence-based data" as a criteria for arriving at her voting decision and then sourced moodle login's as one of those sources.


When I heard that I was like...




and then I was like....





as someone that does data analysis (including web data) for several major corps I can say that login data can have meaning but certainly NOT in the context that she was using it. 

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I wouldn't say it was an argument but that is the context she used.




I insist all monetary terms in york's propaganda be phrased as a precentage of shoukri's salary. So this would be 0.1 shoukrisals (SS). 


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I insist all monetary terms in york's propaganda be phrased as a precentage of shoukri's salary. So this would be 0.1 shoukrisals (SS). 



As much as it's funny. I really do not like all the talk about what he personally makes. Why? Because it's apples to oranges. He is hired using market forces to determine his compensation.


Whether you like his tactics or not he has been able to expand the campus, draw in more students, and do so at a relatively low cost while also increasing fees during his tenure. Plus he has a significant body of experience and qualifications that back up his bonafides. 


I get why he is popular to attack as the face of education "commodification" but it just seems like a silly PR tactic to appease dullard undergrads.

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If I were to drop a course by the deadline of April 17th rn at York, would it have any effect on my med school chances? Like I will not get penalized or astrick'd because I dropped a course before the grade showed up on my transcript kinda thing.


Would I get something on my transcript that would give off red flags?


Just wondering lol, havent dropped a course yet but that might be a real possibility if i want to have a decent-ish GPA.

Not to thread Jack but how are you able to drop a course in April?? Or is it a delayed date BC of the strike..? Most schools have withdraw dates in the first feew weeks of class :s

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Our drop date is later always, but it's extended even further because of the strike. Our original Drop Date was in March, now it's in April.

Wow original drop date in march?! That is crazy. Is this only York or other Ontario schools? So essentially in march, after a bunch of work/midterms are up- if your not doing well you can simply just drop it and take it again later. Lose the money, but if your rich and going for the 4.0, it won't matter. Wow! That's a big advantage :o.

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