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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


Are you a Yorkie?  

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Yeah. Our drop date is always towards the middle of the semester. (for Fall or winter classes) Our drop date for year classes was in February for this year. You can drop the course with a decent amount of course material already completed, depending on the class. You don't get the money back, but like you said, if you have the money and are going for the 4.0, it doesn't matter. Only issue is losing the full course load for weighting formulas.

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Yeah. Our drop date is always towards the middle of the semester. (for Fall or winter classes) Our drop date for year classes was in February for this year. You can drop the course with a decent amount of course material already completed, depending on the class. You don't get the money back, but like you said, if you have the money and are going for the 4.0, it doesn't matter. Only issue is losing the full course load for weighting formulas.

Wow February for a full year course! That is great haha. Yah but I can see a small portion of people using it to their advantahe- who needs a weighting formula if you can just drop it if you messed up something.


Anyways just found it interesting. Back to the regular scheduled discussion.

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