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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


Are you a Yorkie?  

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To play devil's advocate, the fine arts actually require a great degree of thoughtfulness. At least once you reach a certain level. Can't speak out for the liberal arts though.


When people read his statement, they will disregard it completely. It would be nice for a STEM grad to speak up. A high ranking member in CUPE is a TA for biol 2070.

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My brother is currently enrolled in a human geography phD program. Aside from academia, some sort of urban planning position is also a prospect. Obviously not my cup of tea, but it is potentially one of the more relevant degrees nowadays from those listed.


I actually took a geography course on urban planning at U of T and it was pretty cool.


IMO, Econ and Geography are the higher tier in LAPS.


Anyways, is anyone planning on walking out on Monday? I may stay the day because of index review for peer tutoring, I'm hoping to catch what happens.

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On an unrelated topic - I am going to have many tests all mc now  (which is a kinda awesome) , I was wondering if anyone knows what will happen to courses in the chem department? anyone here had a prof that changed the test format as well? 


My buddy said his Orgo II test was the same format as usual. I imagine they will wait for TAs to return to mark. Most of them are supposed to be back, but I know a few that seemed very pro strike.

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Hey! Has anyone here have any sort of experience with the Pre-Med Association? I've recently applied for a spot on their executive team and I want to know from a student's perspective, what they do and how they carry themselves as a club. They were not very active to me this year so I don't have much to go off of.

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If that happens, it will be ridiculous. Do you think the medical schools will understand and let you keep the weighting formula? Extenuating circumstances?


I've tried to find out from Ottawa and UofT (still waiting on UofT reply). Ottawa's reply was:



It is difficult to provide an answer to your question since these are uncertain circumstances.  I recommend that you contact us once you are given a definite answer on whether your semester will be terminated or extended.

Once we receive your answer we will provide you with a response.


I don't have a contact email for Western and not interested in calling them only to sound like a jumbling fool (lol) that York has turned me into but if someone has an admissions  email for them then I'll email to try and find out.

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