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Anyone else see this?




While senate executive debates whether to bring everyone back to class - except the TAs, GAs etc., I thought I might share a few salient facts with you about what life is like for graduate students.
In order to have a good chance of success, I tell all my incoming graduate students that they should expect to work a minimum of 60 hours a week. That would include the classes that they TA as well as the courses they may have to take. The bulk of this time should be spent on their research.
The Biology Department guarantees PhD students an income of ~$23,000 per annum, of which they have to give back approximately $4,500 to the university in fees. This works out at less than $8 per hour, not much more than $6 per hour when fees are subtracted from income. MSc students get slightly less.
Last September, several of my students were told they would get no income from the university at all, but they would still have to pay fees. This announcement was made as term started - giving them little chance to find employment to pay rent, food, fees etc.
It is my understanding that outside of the faculty of science, graduate student income is often, perhaps usually, substantially less than that outlined above.
I realise that the strike is causing you all considerable concern and anxiety - as it does for all of us that work at the university. But the life of a graduate student is not all rosy.
Hopefully a fair settlement will be reached soon.
best wishes
laurence packer
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