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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


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Ah f that. 25 min walk. Man. These picketers are starting to be a pain. I understand fair wages but what do they expect when they enter academia as a profession. Also York and u of t have the highest wages for any Ta. What more are these people expecting???


The TTC thing doesn't actually have anything to do with picketers (though, yes they do for driving). Its a union thing. TTC and other organizations will not picket lines.

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Just saw the story on CP24. The person who sent it told the reporter that she "felt unsafe".


Probably did. I'm glad I am not a picketer or willing to put myself in any type of such situations. I am a punch first and ask questions later type when faced with situations like this lol

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Ah f that. 25 min walk. Man. These picketers are starting to be a pain. I understand fair wages but what do they expect when they enter academia as a profession. Also York and u of t have the highest wages for any Ta. What more are these people expecting???


Theyre not really asking for wage increases. They're asking for their wages to be protected against increasing tuition costs.

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Fair enough, but what does that entail? I.e. if tuition increases, then wage increases proportionally? 


Yeah. Apparently they had it in their CA, but York found a loophole in the language and raised international tuition by 7000 dollars for incoming grads this year. Apparently the wage increases they currently get don't even keep up with inflation (I can't confirm).

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