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Saba question


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Does anyone know if Saba's biochemistry and organic chemistry requirements are set in stone? I have read that Carribean schools look at the application holistically so I wasn't sure how much of a stickler they were for things like that.


If you did well overall would they waive these prerequisites at all? What about if you just had half year in both, or none at all?


Maybe to help out more, I am a third year student in Health Sciences, and cGPA is 3.90.


Thanks! Sorry, I tried to look for this answer but it seems like they have changed the prerequisites a little bit since the other posts I found.

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Does anyone know if Saba's biochemistry and organic chemistry requirements are set in stone? I have read that Carribean schools look at the application holistically so I wasn't sure how much of a stickler they were for things like that.


If you did well overall would they waive these prerequisites at all? What about if you just had half year in both, or none at all?


Maybe to help out more, I am a third year student in Health Sciences, and cGPA is 3.90.


Thanks! Sorry, I tried to look for this answer but it seems like they have changed the prerequisites a little bit since the other posts I found.


For the love of God, with a 3.90, don't go to Saba. Apply broadly in Canada.

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Thanks for the advice.. I have just applied to one school this year, next year I intend to apply a lot more broadly, but I am just considering all of my options because Canada is so competitive. Kind of discouraging as I have seen several people with good stats not get interviews/acceptances. My EC's really aren't amazing, I have worked 4 years as a support worker for youth with autism, and done a few intramurals/clubs, but I currently have no volunteering experience. Taking 6 courses this semester though, so I might start volunteering this summer :/ I was just thinking of applying to Saba next year to make sure I got in at least somewhere?

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3.9 gpa and applying to SABA? What is going on this world?


OP, like everyone else said, if you truly have a 3.9/4.0 gpa and even have below average ECs you will still get interviews from at least 2-3 Canadian schools.


Don't waste you time applying to a Carib school.


Good luck.

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WOW, Just a reminder to people who are not aware:

IF you Study for MD any where outside Canada and United States. It will be very Hard to come back to Canada because you will be considered an IMG.


Also If you come back to Canada you have sign a ROS agreement;meaning you will serve outside big cities like Toronto and Ottawa (i.e: so in rural areas) for 5 years.

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Alright, thanks for the advice everyone. I guess I will just try to strengthen my application and hope for the best next year.


Example though: someone with 3.98 GPA and 41R MCAT was rejected preinterview at Queen's this year :o


Yes but do remember that this is a forum where first, we assume that people are reporting accurate stats, but they may not be, and second, that Queen's is apparently going for a more holistic approach and there's no way we can glean the same information from a short synopsis on the forums that the ad-com can from the person's entire sketch.


That said, as others have already told you- keep those grades as high as you can, volunteer doing things that interest you and keep doing the ones that you already are, and sell yourself well in your abs/sketch/essays and you should have interviews.


The choice to go international should be a very careful one, just like any major life decision. If for some reason you end up contemplating it, do your research thoroughly- these forums are an incredible resource in that regard. Best of luck!

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....The choice to go international should be a very careful one, just like any major life decision. If for some reason you end up contemplating it, do your research thoroughly- these forums are an incredible resource in that regard. Best of luck!


Should I assume from your post that the origin of an eventual foreign medschool would be also a factor of being/not being considered through CaRMS ?


Thank you

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Should I assume from your post that the origin of an eventual foreign medschool would be also a factor of being/not being considered through CaRMS ?


Thank you


IMGs are considered but can only apply for a very small number of spots that have a return of service contract attached to them.

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  • 1 month later...
You should give Canada at least 3 tries before you consider becoming an IMG. It's a very difficult path to take. And given the increase in students going abroad, along with probable residency position cuts in the US and Canada, it will only get harder.


Not just 3. maybe 5-6-7 times. Also, don't forget that you will most likely end up with a 300k debt that you can't repay if you go international.

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Don't bother applying to Saba. You are better off applying next year as broadly as you can - if things don't go well next year, consider moving to a different province within Canada to get a better shot before going to the Caribbean. Honestly, if you're worried about the competitiveness of getting into a Canadian medical school, you should be worried tenfold about getting a residency spot in North America after graduating from a Caribbean medical school.


Also, if you're dead set on starting after your 4th year, consider applying to US medical schools. You will end up with as much debt as if you went down south, but will be considered a CMG for residency matching positions.

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  • 1 month later...

i will just be reiterating what everyone is telling you. do not consider carribean as an option unless u have tried everything else...multiple times. apply broadly in canada and states and you're bound to hear from somewhere to at least give you the confidence to retry in case you don't get accepted post-interview. do a graduate degree to strengthen your application. there are a lot of things you can do which won't be considered a waste of your time (at least according to me) before you think of international schools. and if you do, i would use this forum more than the admin to get the 'truth' about schools you are planning to apply to.

good luck!

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