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First year student from JAMAICA! NEED ADVICE!


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Hello community, I hope you are all doing fine.




I am a first year student on the UofT SG campus, coming from Jamaica, but I have Canadian Citizenship. I got accepted to the University of the West Indies med school (they use the British system, so you can go into med after high school). I opted to come here, planning to go to UofT's med school since it's presumably top-notch and pretty convenient for me. I have a place by Bay and College, so I'm within walking distance to most hospitals.


I received transfer credits for 1st year life-sci courses, so I'm doing 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses. For example, PSL300+PSL301, BCH210 + BCH311, BIO220, etc. I'm doing very well in terms of grades so far, and I have previous volunteer experience in hospitals in Jamaica, but I am a total noob when it comes to downtown Toronto.. I don't know anybody!




I looked at the IMS SURP website and I emailed 10 researchers (only fields of research that looked interesting) giving them my resume and such... but alas either their labs are full, or they're just not responding to me now (it's been 2 weeks since I sent out the e-mails).


There seems to be no volunteering positions at Sick Kids, at least none on the website.


There is a meeting to volunteer at Toronto General on Feb 2nd... but it requires me to get references and resumes and whatnot. My problem is that idk how long it would take to get them since all my contacts are in Jamaica and are presumably very busy.


My questions are:


What should I do for Summer?

Should I study for the MCAT?

Can anyone tell me any easy-going volunteer positions?

What should a newbie to Downtown Toronto do NOW?


(I friggin hate the cold)


I'm in need of some advice! Please and thank you.

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Hello community, I hope you are all doing fine.




I am a first year student on the UofT SG campus, coming from Jamaica, but I have Canadian Citizenship. I got accepted to the University of the West Indies med school (they use the British system, so you can go into med after high school). I opted to come here, planning to go to UofT's med school since it's presumably top-notch and pretty convenient for me. I have a place by Bay and College, so I'm within walking distance to most hospitals.


I received transfer credits for 1st year life-sci courses, so I'm doing 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses. For example, PSL300+PSL301, BCH210 + BCH311, BIO220, etc. I'm doing very well in terms of grades so far, and I have previous volunteer experience in hospitals in Jamaica, but I am a total noob when it comes to downtown Toronto.. I don't know anybody!




I looked at the IMS SURP website and I emailed 10 researchers (only fields of research that looked interesting) giving them my resume and such... but alas either their labs are full, or they're just not responding to me now (it's been 2 weeks since I sent out the e-mails).


There seems to be no volunteering positions at Sick Kids, at least none on the website.


There is a meeting to volunteer at Toronto General on Feb 2nd... but it requires me to get references and resumes and whatnot. My problem is that idk how long it would take to get them since all my contacts are in Jamaica and are presumably very busy.


My questions are:


What should I do for Summer?

Should I study for the MCAT?

Can anyone tell me any easy-going volunteer positions?

What should a newbie to Downtown Toronto do NOW?


(I friggin hate the cold)


I'm in need of some advice! Please and thank you.


Hi, You made the right choice of choosing to do undergrad before med, especially a caribean medical school (no offence but it's usually a last resort). Regardless, I suggest you do well 1st year and then worry about everything else. In Canada, they accept all rounder. Worry about the MCAT once your in your upper years, like 2nd or 3rd year. Good luck.


Also, sick kids is reletivily close to down town and they accept alot of volunteers.

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UWI is an excellent med school for Caribbean students and is not a haven choice for Canadians who are not competitive here. Some students luckily are citizens of both Canada and an eastern caribbean island. Excellent candidates in the last year of undergrad are routinely refused entry. Acceptance to med school is a privelege and gift. A friend of mine, citizen of Canada and Barbados, after grade 12 was accepted directly into University of West Indies Med School, a 5 year program. And my friend accepted rather than risk the uncertainty of, doing undergrad here and perhaps not being accepted into med school. So, I do question the advisability of the decision of the OP in view of the considerable risk involved.

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I forgot to mention I'm 19, and I have no past WORKING experience.. only volunteering.


Replying to the person above me: I do not see any available volunteering positions on the Sick Kids website. Thank you though.


UWI med has trained very talented doctors like Dr. Ho Ping Kong.. the legendary internal medicine consultant at toronto general. However, I know people who went through Canadian Undergrad, didn't do too well and went to UWI as a last resort. So you're right on that one.

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Do you want to practice here or in Jamaica?


Hello community, I hope you are all doing fine.




I am a first year student on the UofT SG campus, coming from Jamaica, but I have Canadian Citizenship. I got accepted to the University of the West Indies med school (they use the British system, so you can go into med after high school). I opted to come here, planning to go to UofT's med school since it's presumably top-notch and pretty convenient for me. I have a place by Bay and College, so I'm within walking distance to most hospitals.


I received transfer credits for 1st year life-sci courses, so I'm doing 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses. For example, PSL300+PSL301, BCH210 + BCH311, BIO220, etc. I'm doing very well in terms of grades so far, and I have previous volunteer experience in hospitals in Jamaica, but I am a total noob when it comes to downtown Toronto.. I don't know anybody!




I looked at the IMS SURP website and I emailed 10 researchers (only fields of research that looked interesting) giving them my resume and such... but alas either their labs are full, or they're just not responding to me now (it's been 2 weeks since I sent out the e-mails).


There seems to be no volunteering positions at Sick Kids, at least none on the website.


There is a meeting to volunteer at Toronto General on Feb 2nd... but it requires me to get references and resumes and whatnot. My problem is that idk how long it would take to get them since all my contacts are in Jamaica and are presumably very busy.


My questions are:


What should I do for Summer?

Should I study for the MCAT?

Can anyone tell me any easy-going volunteer positions?

What should a newbie to Downtown Toronto do NOW?


(I friggin hate the cold)


I'm in need of some advice! Please and thank you.

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contact more researchers. 10 isn't that many. I contact about 40 before I was offered a position.



I contacted the list for the IMS SURP... should I email random researchers working at diff hospitals in downtown toronto?


Is there a website where researchers look for undergrad students and continuously updates you if their positions are filled?

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