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Female interview attire

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So we have a discussion on male's interview attire. For female applicants, I'm wondering is black the most common colour you saw? Would it look boring to wear a black suit? What other colours have you seen and did you think they were nice? Did most of them wear a suit (pants or skirt) ?

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So we have a discussion on male's interview attire. For female applicants, I'm wondering is black the most common colour you saw? Would it look boring to wear a black suit? What other colours have you seen and did you think they were nice? Did most of them wear a suit (pants or skirt) ?


A black suit is definitely the most common thing I saw last year for ladies. There were also lots of greys (charcoal and lighter) navy, and some beige. For pants vs skirt, I'd say slightly more people were wearing pants. Black suits don't have to be boring, esp since you can play with the blouse/cami colour a bit.



I am a firm believer in the "wear what makes you comfortable" principle, since it's a long day, and feeling stifled or self conscious could negatively impact your performance.


I opted for a black pencil skirt and light blue cardigain and I for sure stood out, but felt comfortable and confident. (I'm 6'1" in my heels so I think I stand out a bit regardless lol) I wore that same outfit for all my interviews - I thought of it as a good luck charm haha!



Interviews are getting close now, all the best! :)

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...I am a firm believer in the "wear what makes you comfortable" principle, since it's a long day, and feeling stifled or self conscious could negatively impact your performance...)


Also, there's a thread in the Interview Discussion forum that discusses women's apparel for an interview. You could check that out.

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