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March 25th Interviews

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Hey all, just got my package in the mail today. Am interviewing on the morning of March 25th. Am I gonna get to meet some of you amazing peeps then??


I put a motion forward that all pm101ers should wear a nametag/eyepatch/etc with their username on it :D

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So are you guys anywhere near Brampton? Cuz I reread my invite email like 200 times to see if it's real for real real. lol.


Hope I get the package in the mail tomorrow. I'll feel more secure then.


you should sue mac for giving you a heart attack if they do that to you!

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March 25th morning! Hope to meet you guys there! I'll wear a lion badge :D


I'm interviewing on the 25th as well, but thats the same day as my queens interview! :(


Does anyone know if McMaster is amenable to rescheduling requests?


Might be difficult. They asked previously if you're free for all dates so I would try and reschedule with Queens first.

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still waiting on a package. I'm currently working in Newfoundland though and with all these never ending storms I feel like I won't get it by Monday. I don't want to be super keen (although I am SUPER KEEN to get the package) but do you think I should preemptively tell Wendy to scan the docs for me?

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I was abroad when I was informed of last year's interviews. I e-mailed Wendy and within minutes, she sent me a scanned PDF of my interview info and response form.


still waiting on a package. I'm currently working in Newfoundland though and with all these never ending storms I feel like I won't get it by Monday. I don't want to be super keen (although I am SUPER KEEN to get the package) but do you think I should preemptively tell Wendy to scan the docs for me?
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Yay! So many other PM101ers! I forgot to mention I'm in the morning as well =) Received my mail today in Mississauga.


And serious, we all need some identifier in addition to usernames/normal nametags. I still think eyepatches for everyone would be flipping awesome. Can you picture their faces when ~10 candidates show up with eyepatches?? We'd be, wait for it, LEGENDARY!

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Hi All, Interviewing on the morning of the 25th here. I know this is an odd request but I was wondering if someone interviewing the afternoon of the 25th would consider trying to swap with me (I am not sure if they will allow this).


When I filled out the availability form, I didn't realize my schools graduating formal dinner was on the night of the 24th; obviously it would be great to not have to rush to Hamilton in the morning.


Please PM me if you are interested, I know its asking alto and I am pretty sure there is a good chance they won't do it anyway but you never know!



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Ahh rhysticlight have you tried emailing wendy (they are usually pretty good with these things). Unfortunately, I also have something to attend on the 24th, otherwise I would switch you! But keep in touch in case you can't get it switched, I will see what I can do!

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I am interviewing on March 25th in the morning!!! I am still in disbelief, anyone from Toronto that's interviewing on the 25th? Maybe wanna do some MMI prep?



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