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Comfortable Income


What kind of yearly income do you think you would want? (i.e. minimum)  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of yearly income do you think you would want? (i.e. minimum)

    • $0 - $20k
    • $20k - $35k
    • $35k - $50k
    • $50k - $70k
    • $70k - $100k
    • $100k - $150k
    • $150k - $200k
    • $200k - $300k
    • $300k - $500k
    • > $500k

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I'm fairly certain I would be comfortable at 50-70k. I could live a relatively high-quality life on that income and be able to do the things I want to do at the same time. I could probably get by just fine on 35-50k but things would definitely tighten up as life went on. Realistically, what I would want for an income would be highly contingent on the amount of education and training put into it. For example, if I put in 8+ years of uni plus residency to become a physician, I would want my income to be adjusted accordingly.

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My single parent raised me up on 25 k and then 18 k after retirement after I was 12... I'm not judging or anything, I think 50 k, especially if you're single, is great, but I find this whole discussion comedic... it's almost as good as a Bill Maher special.


My foreign friend's obliviously rich and we were shopping for SUVs today, and he just dropped 80 k cash on some Lexus SUV (I knew his family was rich, but not that rich, he went into the Ashton Marton dealership asking for SUVs, so when I say obliviously rich I mean it, lol). Afterwards though, we both shared the same curry we both cooked together when we got home, and he told me about how he wasn't having the kind of influence he wants (he basically wants to be the next Steve Jobs), and how that was really bothering him... and beyond superficial luxuries we have pretty similar lives, plus he has it better than a doctor, since he doesn't have a "horrible work lifestyle" ;). There's no real point to that, it's just funny how people will think the rivers will part when they make that 200 k, then again, we tend to focus on what we don't have, so what will people decide they don't have when they get their first big check... ? Just some thoughts to ponder :)



I hVe trouble seeing how 50k is comfortable living in this day and age lol.
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Before all the high school ballers chime in...


There was an 05 Ferrari for 115 K at the Ashton Martin dealership today... I'm pretty sure a nurse working a surgeons hours (would pay about 180 k before tax on 80 hours a week, as a new grad, 215 k after about 5 years...) plus there'd be no call after that 80 hours could afford that. So you can segway your Lambo into a pick up lines with nurses and hear about her start talking about her Ferrari and how great it is to meet another car enthusiast, roflmao ;).

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prob because you live in the TO area.


and each individual has their own version of comfortable. If that includes materialist things then no, it likely isn't enough


I was raised with that income and it wasnt comfortable. Comfortable to me is a decent house in a safe area, not having to struggle to find money for college/uni, occassional vacations, etc.

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I was raised with that income and it wasnt comfortable. Comfortable to me is a decent house in a safe area, not having to struggle to find money for college/uni, occassional vacations, etc.


I was raised on about half of that so $50K in retrospect would have seemed like being rich lol

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70-100K is great. 50K is alright for a while, but it's difficult to buy a decent place to live and save up for retirement on that amount without strict budgeting, IMO. With 70+, you can do all that and still do things like eat out, go on 2 vacations a year without fretting about money, and you can cover unexpected expenses like car repairs. I used to make like 35K after tax and as soon as it seemed I finally had some extra cash, something would always come up (vehicle repairs, vet expenses...) and then I'd have nothing saved AGAIN.

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I hVe trouble seeing how 50k is comfortable living in this day and age lol.


It's above the national average, and without dependents making above the national average income is tons of money. I've lived on $30k without dependents and been able to travel internationally every couple months, buy a decent car, rent a pretty large place... with 50 I could pretty much have anything I reasonably wanted, as long as I budgeted well. I'd call that the very definition of "comfortable".

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Trust me, it's very feasible.

I don't see how after about 5-10 years of earning that income, I wouldn't be able to afford all those things.


By the way, I'm not from Ontario so house prices might be very different where I live. I don't necessarily want a huge mansion, just a somewhat big house (5 bedrooms max).


I lol'd




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LOL I didn't realize that when I wrote it. I just meant the difference between something like this http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=mansion&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1255&bih=601&tbm=isch&tbnid=gACGJNk-4Uc_XM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g47788-d238139-Reviews-Glen_Cove_Mansion_and_Conference_Center-Glen_Cove_New_York.html&docid=ttWkYFvyL2lnLM&imgurl=http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/0b/7a/2a/front-of-the-mansion.jpg&w=550&h=366&ei=XrFWT7G9A8Oxgwel3OzHCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=598&vpy=180&dur=929&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=168&ty=106&sig=104418276506148589197&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=158&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 and my ideal home is something like this http://www.artistahomes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=94&Itemid=90


Ok, let's break this down: $300K equals ~$30K monthly. Around $5000 for mortgage for the house I listed above (assuming I saved enough to pay the downpayment initially) and I have around $20k+ left per month. That's more than enough for everything else. I'm not sure about the car payment + insurance for a car around $60-$80k ... but I would still have tons of money left especially if I was in practice for more than 5 years earning that income yearly.


were you thinking about paying any taxes on that $300K?

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