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U of Toronto Interview Day 1 how was it?

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How was it?

My interviewers were a lot nicer than expected lol


Yes definitely a lot nicer than expected. They acknowledged my answers as I was explaining by nodding and smiling and such... Totally not what descriptions of previous years' interviewers were like.

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Wow! So they didn't even give you the last question?


No, they asked me the last one; I think they were worried we wouldn't get to it. They let me finish my last question. I'm not really sure what happened. I think the issue was I was given some very complex, multifaceted situational questions early on and I had to address so many things; so I lost time later on. It's unfortunate because I had a very good answer worked out for the one I was cut off on, and I still had a few points to make when they stopped me.


I know that last year some interviews went to 40-45 minutes. Mine was only 35 but it seemed that as soon as they reached 30 minutes they began to become worried they wouldn't get to the last one. I'm hoping that they stopped me on the second last one because they already felt my answer was good enough or adequate? I don't know; why wouldn't they stop me on the last one instead?


I'm sort of in a blur right now, can't really remember much. They seemed really apologetic and nice about it, and nodded, smiled at my answers, but that's just their default behaviour probably.


I'm just hoping that somehow the quality of my answers holds up.

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I'm asking for a friend, but has anyone gotten comments (such as "well done", "good", "nice answer") after each of their questions?

Also, would anyone happen to know the weighting of interview/GPA/DAT post-interview for U of T?


Do any of you know how long we should wait until we can call them to find out if our mark was above the average?


...are you even allowed to do that? Just curious.

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It really sucks how you won't find out the results for a few weeks but in your head you'll keep going back to the questions you were asked, try to analyze them more, think of all the competencies the questions were trying to assess, and how you could have done better. But you can't change any of that now.


On the other hand, you should try to remember all the questions you were asked and then write them down somewhere. It's possible that some questions will be repeated on your upcoming interviews.

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Apparently they tell you if you are above or below the interview average but no hard numbers out of 35.


No they don't tell you well done or anything, they're supposed to be in character. However, one of my interviewers broke out of character at one point briefly and commented on a story I told in one of my answers. He said "what a sad outcome" in regards to the story lol, however he didn't give any indication of whether the answer was scored well or not. Hopefully that's a good sign though

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I'm asking for a friend, but has anyone gotten comments (such as "well done", "good", "nice answer") after each of their questions?

Also, would anyone happen to know the weighting of interview/GPA/DAT post-interview for U of T?




...are you even allowed to do that? Just curious.


my interviewers kept saying 'very good' at the end of my answers but i think they just tried to be nice...

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When do they tell you that?



Apparently they tell you if you are above or below the interview average but no hard numbers out of 35.


No they don't tell you well done or anything, they're supposed to be in character. However, one of my interviewers broke out of character at one point briefly and commented on a story I told in one of my answers. He said "what a sad outcome" in regards to the story lol, however he didn't give any indication of whether the answer was scored well or not. Hopefully that's a good sign though

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I feel like this is the most likely reason. They were probably happy with the reply, and just decided to save time.


I sure hope you're right. I can't think of another reason that they would stop me on a question other than the last one. I was sort of looking at my hands and talking with them at the time, but I noticed that one of the interviewers sort of smiled, held his hand up, and said, "That's good, that's fine," but I wasn't really sure what was going on, and they basically both said, "That's fine," and when I inquired "I'm sorry, have I hit some sort of time limit? I apologise," they just said "We're just trying to stay on schedule" or something like that, and I took that as a cue to shut up. For some reason they didn't move IMMEDIATELY to the next question, they sort of read over their notes for a bit and asked me about 10 seconds later.


God, I'm overanalyzing this. I feel like jumping off a cliff! :(

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The interviewers were much nicer than previously reported from past years. Honestly, I don't even remember a lot of the questions..And I am going to think of that as a blessing so I don't overthink about it LOL.. Sorry to hear cleanup about getting cut off, I think my interviewers did do that too though, in a kind way like "okay that's great" and I sort of knew they wanted to move on at that point...

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Man, i got absolutely NOTHING! LOL. Everyone keeps saying how their interviewers were so responsive, mine just kept a stone cold face, no nods or smiles, it makes me wonder whether my answers sucked or they just wanted to be like last year haha


The interviewers were much nicer than previously reported from past years. Honestly, I don't even remember a lot of the questions..And I am going to think of that as a blessing so I don't overthink about it LOL.. Sorry to hear cleanup about getting cut off, I think my interviewers did do that too though, in a kind way like "okay that's great" and I sort of knew they wanted to move on at that point...
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I sure hope you're right. I can't think of another reason that they would stop me on a question other than the last one. I was sort of looking at my hands and talking with them at the time, but I noticed that one of the interviewers sort of smiled, held his hand up, and said, "That's good, that's fine," but I wasn't really sure what was going on, and they basically both said, "That's fine," and when I inquired "I'm sorry, have I hit some sort of time limit? I apologise," they just said "We're just trying to stay on schedule" or something like that, and I took that as a cue to shut up. For some reason they didn't move IMMEDIATELY to the next question, they sort of read over their notes for a bit and asked me about 10 seconds later.


God, I'm overanalyzing this. I feel like jumping off a cliff! :(


No worries, last year my interview went for 40 minutes and they kept interrupting me and cutting me off in all of the last three questions. Whether your interviewers were nice or cold/stoned face is DEFINITELY not an indication of anything, just a mere reflection of the interviewers' styles.


EDIT: sometimes when I look back, I wonder if thy were testing how I would react to a difficult situation by cutting me off

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No worries, last year my interview went for 40 minutes and they kept interrupting me and cutting me off in all of the last three questions. Whether your interviewers were nice or cold/stoned face is DEFINITELY not an indication of anything, just a mere reflection of the interviewers' styles.


EDIT: sometimes when I look back, I wonder if thy were testing how I would react to a difficult situation by cutting me off


that's a possibility, because i've seen quite a few that had the same experience

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hey guys!

remember, stone faced or responsive... it means nothing

5 minutes or 40 minutes... it means nothing

unless you are prepping for anothing interview, don't think about it too much!

just sit tight and you'll find out early April


nice to meet all of you on Saturday!

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I didn't interview at U of T last year, so I'm sort of wondering, has the interviewing style changed? Interviewers seemed nice, but they also seemed to adhere to a very strict time schedule. Seems like lots of people had 30-40 minute interviews last year, based on some threads I dug up.


Also this year the results are coming out absurdly soon. April 5th! That's only two and a half weeks. :eek:

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I think my interview was 30min long and the interviewers were definately very nice and were smiling all the time. I think even at the end of the interview one of them said something in the line of "Nice" or "good job". They never stopped me, but I had a feeling that I was talking too much and they wanted to go to the next question. I came out of the interview feeling quite good, but now that I think about my answers I think I could have done a better job. That makes me worry since my gpa is below the average :( I am a masters student though. I hope that helps!


By the way did anyone got to see their scores. From ppl who did interview last year I heard you can see your score. But, all that I could see was some columns divided into sections and they put some check marks. They maye have been the competencies they were looking for!

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