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Listing References on Application

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Hey guys,


So I will be applying next year, and I just have a quick question in regards to listing references for some of my extracurricular activities.


Since I was about 15, I have been working for my families company on and off (off usually in the summers). Since that time, I have been committing around 25 - 27 hours. Now that I am in university, I do around 10 hours a week of volunteering on top of work.


The problem I have is that I don't know how to list my reference for some of my activities, especially my employment. The only person who can really verify that I have been working 25 - 27 hours a week for 7 years is my father. It is to my understanding, however, that family cannot be used a reference.


I also do a lot of tutoring of various subjects – especially classes that are offered in the winter semester after I have completed them in the fall semester. The only person who can verify that is the individual that I tutored.


Same thing with sports. A live near a gym and every week they hold intramural soccer games of which I attend. Who do I get a reference from?


I have a few more, but you guys get the idea. Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you,


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Hey guys,


So I will be applying next year, and I just have a quick question in regards to listing references for some of my extracurricular activities.


Since I was about 15, I have been working for my families company on and off (off usually in the summers). Since that time, I have been committing around 25 - 27 hours. Now that I am in university, I do around 10 hours a week of volunteering on top of work.


The problem I have is that I don't know how to list my reference for some of my activities, especially my employment. The only person who can really verify that I have been working 25 - 27 hours a week for 7 years is my father. It is to my understanding, however, that family cannot be used a reference.


I also do a lot of tutoring of various subjects – especially classes that are offered in the winter semester after I have completed them in the fall semester. The only person who can verify that is the individual that I tutored.


Same thing with sports. A live near a gym and every week they hold intramural soccer games of which I attend. Who do I get a reference from?


I have a few more, but you guys get the idea. Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you,



For some things I've done I listed family - depends on what you're verifying. If you list your mom as your verifier for winning the Nobel Peace Prize, that's going to raise eyebrows... but I've used friends and family for endeavours like travel, photography, &c. (For travelling, I used a friend I travelled with - I'm sure a friend who you regularly play intramural soccer with would be alright.)


I'm sure the admissions office will understand that within reason, there are some things that can be verified by family only, e.g., if you make it a point to run every morning for the past several years. Just know that it would be stronger to (carrying on with this example) be able to provide a marathon registrar or something as a verifier of your running activities, but that doesn't mean more casual activities aren't worth anything.

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have nothing different to add ... just agree what was just said. I guess now you have more than one person's opinion. In the past however, I ran into the same problem but I had the fortune of explaining myself in the autobiography. Don't know if it made any difference but those are my 2 cents.



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