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Research-intensive residencies?

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Pretty much every residency program has an expectation that everyone does some amount of research, and is willing to support additional time you want to put into that (ex. 4 weeks of research instead of electives, etc). Some programs such as Community Medicine, Medical Microbiology, Medical Biochemistry have research built in more formally and usually allow a Master's degree to be done concurrently with residency.


Some schools also offer "clinical investigator" or MD-PhD streams of residency where the focus on research is even more overt.

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Thank you both! I didn't realize this program existed. It almost sounds like applying to a MD-PhD program all over again, but residency!


I already have a PhD and if given the choice, I'm not sure whether a 3 vs. 4 year MD program would serve me better in terms of a potential career as a clinical invesitgator. I'd be slightly worried about the time gap of most likely having no publications. 1 year doesn't seem like it'd be a big difference, but a lot can happen in just 1 year (research and non-research).

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