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U of T weighting formula

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Quick question: In order to apply for the weighting, one has to have a full course load every year. I was wondering what is considered a full course load? Is it 5 courses per term? Or do they look at credits earned? I have 28 credits one year (and I looked at the website and they state that 28 credits or higher is considered a full course load -- phew!--- or did I read that wrong?) but I only took 8 actual courses, but some courses were 4 credits, instead of the normal 3. Do they downgrade the number of credits? Like OMSAS counts physics as a 3 credit course, but my institution counted it as a 4 credit course, would they change that?




Also what scale do they use for GPA conversion? I'm OOP, but was wondering if they follow OMSAS or is an A AND an A+ considered 4.0?


Edit: Also how is weighting applied? Do they take out your lowest 6 courses, regardless of how much they are worth in credits? For example, having a 1 or 4 credit course?

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Quick question: In order to apply for the weighting, one has to have a full course load every year. I was wondering what is considered a full course load? Is it 5 courses per term? Or do they look at credits earned? I have 28 credits one year (and I looked at the website and they state that 28 credits or higher is considered a full course load -- phew!--- or did I read that wrong?) but I only took 8 actual courses, but some courses were 4 credits, instead of the normal 3. Do they downgrade the number of credits? Like OMSAS counts physics as a 3 credit course, but my institution counted it as a 4 credit course, would they change that?




Also what scale do they use for GPA conversion? I'm OOP, but was wondering if they follow OMSAS or is an A AND an A+ considered 4.0?


Edit: Also how is weighting applied? Do they take out your lowest 6 courses, regardless of how much they are worth in credits? For example, having a 1 or 4 credit course?



If your institution uses the 30 credit system, then 28 credits per year would be considered full course load. And if you have that for every year of your undergrad ( from first till the last), you will have the weighting formula on your gpa.


Weighting is just

(number of years completed before time of application)-1 = # of (full year courses) your allowed to drop.


So if your applying this coming September, and this is your 5th year at uni the formula is:

(4, because you only have 4 years of university finished up till this coming September) - 1 = 3 full year courses dropped.


Note: they drop the courses for you, and you need to have atleast 3 years ( full course load in each) of university finished in order for it to be applied.,

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If your institution uses the 30 credit system, then 28 credits per year would be considered full course load. And if you have that for every year of your undergrad ( from first till the last), you will have the weighting formula on your gpa.


Weighting is just

(number of years completed before time of application)-1 = # of (full year courses) your allowed to drop.


So if your applying this coming September, and this is your 5th year at uni the formula is:

(4, because you only have 4 years of university finished up till this coming September) - 1 = 3 full year courses dropped.


Note: they drop the courses for you, and you need to have atleast 3 years ( full course load in each) of university finished in order for it to be applied.,


Hold on, do they subtract 1? I swear if you're applying to enter after you're done UG, they'll drop 3 full year courses.

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Hold on, do they subtract 1? I swear if you're applying to enter after you're done UG, they'll drop 3 full year courses.


If the formula applies to you it is one full credit (1.0) per year of completed schooling at the point of the application. Since most apply in the fall of their fourth year (and hence haven't completed that year yet), you get 3.0 credits.


If you apply after you finished completely a degree in four years and then apply it would be then 4.0 credits.

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  • 7 months later...
I attend Mcmaster University. In one semester I took 4 courses and one in the summer. Would the weighting formula not be applied to me?




"A GPA weighting formula may be used for students who have completed at least three years of university study and have taken a full course load (i.e., five full credits), during the regular academic session, in each of their academic years."

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Just to add to this, would they not consider applying the weighting formula if you have done 5 years, 4 at 30+ and one at 27?


"All course grades are included in a single GPA, including grades from multiple degree programs, multiple universities, and/or from full-time non-degree study (e.g., a fifth year of courses taken following a four-year degree). We do not weight grades differentially based on year of study."


"Applicants who have taken less than five full-courses (or 10 half-courses) in any given year will be considered on the average of all courses taken during the regular academic sessions on a full-time basis. The weighting formula will not be applied."


So probably not- but you could check with the admissions office anyways.

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