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What does Ian Walker mean when...

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There are 2 lists. The rule is actually pretty simply IMHO


There is a spot available:


1/ Is OOP reaches its 15% Max?


2/ if the answer is Yes, give the spot to IP


3/ If the answer is NO, use step 4


4/ If IP > OOP, give it to IP, otherwise give it to OOP




Read this comment from Dr. Walker, it is essentially the idea I suggest, and I suspect the head of OOP list has lower score than the head of IP list.


Its an interesting question. In previous years, the scores of the Non AB applicants tended to be higher, so the two lists functioned very independently. This year, for whatever reason, the scores of the AB applicants tend to be higher, so we are essentially running one list. I think we will fill up the class before we get to the 15% non-AB limit

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Also look here: http://mdadmissions.ucalgaryblogs.ca/2012/06/06/waitlist-update/#comments


Dr. Walker says in response to a question asking: 'Just wondering if all OOP spots are spoken for?':

"No, but the bulk of the waitlist movement is now taking place amongst Albertans. I am quite certain we will not fill our 15% this year."

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Also look here: http://mdadmissions.ucalgaryblogs.ca/2012/06/06/waitlist-update/#comments


Dr. Walker says in response to a question asking: 'Just wondering if all OOP spots are spoken for?':

"No, but the bulk of the waitlist movement is now taking place amongst Albertans. I am quite certain we will not fill our 15% this year."


that doesn't support either of our interpretations. dunno why they're secretive about it. why isn't dr walker coming out and explaining outright how the two waitlists are run?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dr. Walker's latest replies on this topic:


"Most OOP offers do not get accepted. that is no big surprise. There is no 15% quota though. The offers go to the individual with the highest scores, as long as no more than 15% of the spots are taken up by OOP people. We are not trying to get 15% OOP students. We are saying we can’t have more than that. for the last several years it has been less."


"Its kind of a question of semantics I suppose, but I have enjoyed reading the great certainty of people on the PM101 forum on the topic. The answer really is neither or both, depending on how you look at it. We have a single data base of applicants, one of the data points of which is Albertan vs Non-Albertan status. We offer positions to the people with the highest scores, regardless of what their Albertan status is. The only caveat is that we can’t go over 15% non-albertans. In that sense, there is one list. In actual practice, however, I do print off two separate lists, because it allows me to track the number of Albertans vs Non-Albertans easily and ensures that I do not exceed that 15%.

Clear as mud?"

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