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uManitoba PA questions.

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I only came across this program a month ago. But I've decided to go all in on it.

I'm going into my 5th year to finish my Bachelor in Kinesiology. I will likely spend an additional year boosting my GPA to apply. I've been trying to talk with advisors from the program but they haven't been much help, so anyone who has applied or in the program and can help, I'd appreciate it.


They only look at the most recent 60 CH correct? I ask this because my first few years I didn't do great cause I didn't take school seriously, since then I have buckled down and turned the corner, so I'm just curious if that is possibly going to hold me back.


Since applications are taken in during November, is the GPA used all courses up until then or until my last class the following April?


Right now, I am barely over a 3.1 when I look at my current GPA on the last 30CH, I think I would apply either way even though likeliness of getting in is not very high. With regards to this, would they be looking at my most recent 60 from that date backwards when looking at interviews and everything or do they go forward assuming I'll remain over a 3.0?


Thanks for any answers guys, the U of M website didn't help me a ton on these specifics and neither did the advisor I had emailed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I only came across this program a month ago. But I've decided to go all in on it.

I'm going into my 5th year to finish my Bachelor in Kinesiology. I will likely spend an additional year boosting my GPA to apply. I've been trying to talk with advisors from the program but they haven't been much help, so anyone who has applied or in the program and can help, I'd appreciate it.


They only look at the most recent 60 CH correct? I ask this because my first few years I didn't do great cause I didn't take school seriously, since then I have buckled down and turned the corner, so I'm just curious if that is possibly going to hold me back.


Since applications are taken in during November, is the GPA used all courses up until then or until my last class the following April?


Right now, I am barely over a 3.1 when I look at my current GPA on the last 30CH, I think I would apply either way even though likeliness of getting in is not very high. With regards to this, would they be looking at my most recent 60 from that date backwards when looking at interviews and everything or do they go forward assuming I'll remain over a 3.0?


Thanks for any answers guys, the U of M website didn't help me a ton on these specifics and neither did the advisor I had emailed.




I'm glad that you have taken an interest in the PA profession. As for GPA this is only from speculation but it makes sense when I think about it. The grades that you submit in November will determine if you receive an interview. (Because that is what the program receives)


For our class we had a pending acceptance ie. accepted by the program but waiting for the faculty of graduate studies to accept us and that is where your current transcripts and last 60 CH comes in.


My suggestion is to try applying this cycle to get a feel for the application process ie. personal essay and what the program is looking for. My advice is to be very involved in the community ie. volunteer, mentor, extra curricular and if you can research experience.


I'm happy to answer any other questions. PM me if you like :D GOOD LUCK

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