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Attending off shore medical school while waiting for Canadian MD admission


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Can one start medical education at an off shore medical institute while waiting to hear back from Canadian medical schools on admission? For example, if I were to apply next year and after submitting my application (all the steps and such) by Dec and start medical studies in January at an off shore medical school, would that automatically nullify my application to Canadian medical schools?

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Well, I was thinking about it, tbh to save myself some time because each cycle takes a year so I was thinking I could start MD elsewhere while waiting for admission. My main aim is to get into Canadian MD in the end though. However, I am not interested in doing masters atm as a filler

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Well, I was thinking about it, tbh to save myself some time because each cycle takes a year so I was thinking I could start MD elsewhere while waiting for admission. My main aim is to get into Canadian MD in the end though. However, I am not interested in doing masters atm as a filler


A year really isn't that much time and you would easily get admitted at any point in the future into an international program. There are always things to do in a year to significantly boost an application (other than a masters as well of course). It is actually a lot harder to get the things med schools here are interested once you leave (cannot really do ECs, volunteer, no time to study for the MCAT, more university of some kind....) It is a lot of money too (of course if you have that money...).


Did you already apply in the past in the Canadian cycle? You have a gap year you mentions and that is often the reason. If so why do you think you didn't get in initially?


Usual advise is try here for at least one cycle before going abroad. Gives you a chance to perfect your application and interview skills, avoids the risk and cost of doing an overseas program, and annoyance of somehow getting back for interviews.

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