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Who reads the CASPER responses?

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A few of them stood out though - either in a really bad way, impressive way, or plain hilarious. But most were average; it got repetitive.


may i ask in the case where there're so many repetitive responses, how do you grade them? do you just give all the mediocre repetitive expected type of responses the same marks? or is there variations in those marks too?


just curious :D

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A few of them stood out though - either in a really bad way, impressive way, or plain hilarious. But most were average; it got repetitive.


so does that mean you guys prefer and like the hilarious answers or answers that stand out?

maybe Ill put a joke in every answer next time.


Do you read all of a person's answers at the same time? or are they all jumbled up and you dont know who wrote which paragraph?

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