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Guest IkkiDDS

I was thinking Harvard or Columbia.... I'm just waiting for U of T to accept me so that I can reject them. NOt to get ahead of myself but I would be suprised if they rejected me. I'm out of province and still got into UBC...

:rollin :hat :smokin :lol

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Guest LestatZinnie

haha...congrats...but i remember that someone said UBC no longer distinguish between in-province or OOP students. sorry if this busts your balloon. but with your GPA i dont think UT is a problem for you.

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Guest IkkiDDS

thanks, heheehehe.......


:rollin :lol


i didn't know that about UBC, hmm......


i guess to be rejected from U of T, i'd have to get like really bad on the interview because I figure if GPA worth 60 and DAT is worth 10, i'd get like 59/60 or closer and like 9.9/10

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Guest Bleepo

Hey ikkiDDS,

You have a great GPA and DAT scores and you should be congratulated on them, but perhaps a little humility wouldn't hurt? Some ppl are getting really offended by your posts. No need to put yourself up on a pedastal... My GPA's actually higher than yours, but I don't go around making sure everyone knows. I wasn't planning on mentioning it but you seem to have this idea that you're better than everyone else. The purpose of this forum is to support one another as we work towards a common goal, so please keep it that way.

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Guest LestatZinnie

Once he starts dental school, he'll soon know that it doesn't matter whether he had a 4.0 or 3.6 in undergrad. Everybody will be on the same level and doing well in undergrad is no guarantee it'll continue in dental school (and vice versa). In fact, if you go to dentaltown you'd realize that grades mean nothing in dental school (unless you want to specialize). There are dentists there who were at the bottom of class but were much more successful in their practice, and some who graduated top but fell far and behind once the real business starts. just go to dentaltown if you don't believe me. Oh- guess what, some of the top undergrad students in my class have no common sense when it comes to real clinical situations. just knowing books will not get you far in dentistry.


Let him bloat while he can- after September everybody will be on the same level.

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Guest predent2003

yeah, I also believe that doing excellent in undergrad wouldn't garantee that the person will be better off in dental school. There are people who come in dental school with a 4.0, but their degree is in english or engineering, and this grade cannot be compared with a grade for biology or zoology (I'm not saying that english or engineering is easier, it's just that sometimes things aren't comparable).


I also would like to mention the fact that getting into more school should not be used as a way to show off. A lots of people here apply to very little schools because we know where we want to go, not that we can't get in those school. I know a friend with 3.6ish GPA got into some of those schools IkkisDDS got into too, so is my friend lucky, or IkkisDDS not as smart as he thinks? It is very disrespectful to apply and reject the schools simply because you want to prove that you are good. If you are good, people would know without having you to go around and tell them. That is so sad.....:\

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Guest IkkiDDS

OMG, i'm sooo sorry, :eek you have all opened my eyes and made me realize the error of my ways. As for the future...well I'll deal with it when I get there. I've always been able to talk @#%$ and back it up. This would be no exception.

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