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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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Ugh. I have the feeling I'm going to be doing most of the work for this group project by myself. I mean, I've been the only one posting about coming up with a topic for the past week, and our "contract" stating what we will be doing and who is responsible for what is due at the end of this week.


Oh well, I have a lot of free time this month to work on it. My research project has been delayed until next month, so when I'm not at the gym, out for a run, or working on my internship applications, I have plenty of time to work on the project. I also know I probably have higher expectations than most people in the group. At least as part of the contract we have to indicate what mark we are hoping for, so I'm able to indicate that yes, I'm one of those annoying "keeners" who is aiming for 90+.

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I've run into this problem many times as my standards and desire for top grades were higher than my co-workers. Sometimes, we have no choice.


*nod* I guess I've been spoiled in most of my courses - my fellow nutrition students all tend to be "keen" as well, as most of us hope to get an internship, and with only a 30% success rate, everyone is trying their best to get top marks. Sadly, this isn't a nutrition course, so not everyone is out to get those As and A+s.

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For those of you currently in med school or doing something food science related: how much of what Dr. Oz says is good science and how much is just TV bs? I've always wondered since some people I know quote him like a kind of holy scripture of health

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*nod* I guess I've been spoiled in most of my courses - my fellow nutrition students all tend to be "keen" as well, as most of us hope to get an internship, and with only a 30% success rate, everyone is trying their best to get top marks. Sadly, this isn't a nutrition course, so not everyone is out to get those As and A+s.


and that is why you have been "spoiled" :) Really helps when everyone is on the same page.

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For those of you currently in med school or doing something food science related: how much of what Dr. Oz says is good science and how much is just TV bs? I've always wondered since some people I know quote him like a kind of holy scripture of health


A lot of it is unfortunately pseudo-science.

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I've never been so pleased that doctors were wrong. We got amazing news today.


Also a reminder to me to never be *too* confident. Even the unlikely stuff happens sometimes. Probability of misdiagnosis is never 0.

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I've never been so pleased that doctors were wrong. We got amazing news today.


Also a reminder to me to never be *too* confident. Even the unlikely stuff happens sometimes. Probability of misdiagnosis is never 0.


Yay! Getting good news is always a great thing.


I just got in off the waitlist to UofT, and have spent the last two days comparing it to MUN - polar opposite schools. Trying to figure out where I fit best!

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Yay! Getting good news is always a great thing.


I just got in off the waitlist to UofT, and have spent the last two days comparing it to MUN - polar opposite schools. Trying to figure out where I fit best!


Follow your instincts and don't overthink it. :) Polar opposites but each are great. Where would you truly be more comfortable?

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Good morning everyone. Glad you got some good news Birdy! My oldest daughter (3) had a development clinic to go to the other day referred by a pediatrician. She was very good all day for them while they did their tests but they do recommend some intervention. They said she is very smart so she will likely do great things but she does have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) They call most things this now but they said it is pretty much Aspergers. It is good to have a diagnosis for sure and hopefully NL will have some things available to help us out, we leave in less than a week and will be in our new home a week from today.

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Good morning everyone. Glad you got some good news Birdy! My oldest daughter (3) had a development clinic to go to the other day referred by a pediatrician. She was very good all day for them while they did their tests but they do recommend some intervention. They said she is very smart so she will likely do great things but she does have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) They call most things this now but they said it is pretty much Aspergers. It is good to have a diagnosis for sure and hopefully NL will have some things available to help us out, we leave in less than a week and will be in our new home a week from today.


Best of luck with the move! I hope that you find the supports you need to create the best environment for your daughter in NL. I know linking up with the right resources can be difficult and there are often time delays. Wishing you the best!

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Reworking my résumé for dietetic internship applications and reworking my C.V. for combined masters/internship programs and just plain masters programs. Yep, at this point I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get off one of the waitlists, so I'm putting my backup plan into motion.


Let's just say that as a non-trad, it is very challenging to get all my relevant and important work and volunteer experiences into a 2-page résumé that must be in 12pt Times New Roman with 1" margins. :eek: I suspect I will be making a lot of use of campus career services to help refine it!

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Congratulations to the new group of med students. :)


I feel I knew the older crop much better as we chatted for years on this forum. The torch is slowly being passed to a new group who will keep this forum alive and inform present and future premed students, just as it should be. I guess us oldies will gradually become less involved as our schedules become busier.

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