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Robin Hood

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is it bad to feel that old high school friends are maybe not the people i want to be friend with anymore? i feel guilty because i know this is not a shared feeling but i don't enjoy being with them anymore and we definitely don't have the same lifestyle/tastes anymore. or maybe i'm just not trying hard enough.. :confused:

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is it bad to feel that old high school friends are maybe not the people i want to be friend with anymore? i feel guilty because i know this is not a shared feeling but i don't enjoy being with them anymore and we definitely don't have the same lifestyle/tastes anymore. or maybe i'm just not trying hard enough.. :confused:


That is really common. Happened earlier for me than most of my friends because I got married and had a kid very young, so we had nothing in common after that. But the rest of my super close group of friends from high school has really disintegrated now.

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is it bad to feel that old high school friends are maybe not the people i want to be friend with anymore? i feel guilty because i know this is not a shared feeling but i don't enjoy being with them anymore and we definitely don't have the same lifestyle/tastes anymore. or maybe i'm just not trying hard enough.. :confused:


Hmm... Do they go to same university as you do?


I didn't make many friends in University because I'm still very close with my high school friends. That will have to change next year if I get into Pharmacy. I only know one good friend (since junior high) who also applied.

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Been a long, stressful week. The news about cuts at my department has been in the media a lot, but the axe came down this week and it's rough. Hard on the local economy too, since these are some of the only steady, decently paying jobs we have here.


My boss, saint that she is, while trying to arrange things for herself, worked to find me something more secure. She and the other senior most employee in my unit found me something which works out *perfectly* for my goals, and is something I expect I'll be really good at. I'm incredibly touched that immediately after bad news, they worked to take care of the students in our unit, not just themselves. There's a lot of good people out there, and I'm really glad I've been lucky enough to work for so many.

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is it bad to feel that old high school friends are maybe not the people i want to be friend with anymore? i feel guilty because i know this is not a shared feeling but i don't enjoy being with them anymore and we definitely don't have the same lifestyle/tastes anymore. or maybe i'm just not trying hard enough.. :confused:


why would it be bad? people change and that's normal: their interests change as well. it is not unethical to close a chapter in your relationship life when it is making no one happy and to move on to another.


only thing, the transition may be difficult if you do not make new friends quickly. but i'm sure you can handle it and make new friends in due time, or be strong while independent.

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Those in Alberta (especially Calgary): stay safe!


Those in Ontario (experiencing the heat wave): stay cool!


I'm SO glad I have air conditioning. Not thrilled about the four fitness classes I have to teach today, though! Even with a/c, it's going to be hot and humid in the gym.


Just about to hit the gym for an hour of intense lifting, 20 mins if stretching and another 20 mins of cardio then tonight i'll be doing some speed and agility training with my boys.


Should drop about 10lbs of water lmao

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Just about to hit the gym for an hour of intense lifting, 20 mins if stretching and another 20 mins of cardio then tonight i'll be doing some speed and agility training with my boys.


Should drop about 10lbs of water lmao


I expect to lose about 5 lbs of water weight today... Will definitely need to be hydrating lots with water.

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I was just presented with pre-video ad on BBC's website for the new airbus A380. No, not any particular airline, but the airplane manufacturer's ad itself.

Oh let me just whip out my chequebook and write a $100 million cheque for the new airbus I'll be adding to my fleet......

I'll understand you one day, advertising.

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I was just presented with pre-video ad on BBC's website for the new airbus A380. No, not any particular airline, but the airplane manufacturer's ad itself.

Oh let me just whip out my chequebook and write a $100 million cheque for the new airbus I'll be adding to my fleet......

I'll understand you one day, advertising.


Well if you can get one for a 100 million, put me down for one! I just did a quick google search and most quotes were 300 plus.


Weird, as I was just watching a video on these things yesterday....freaking massive planes. When you consider a little learjet will run you 20 milllion and up and might seat 10 or 15. Imagine pimping out an airbus like they do with travel buses for celebrities! :eek:

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