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Robin Hood

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I'm now on two weeks vacation before the fall semester starts! Wrote the final exam for my online summer public health course on Friday, and now I just have to wait for my mark.


Trying to decide which distance course to pick up for the fall semester:

- Food science - has a 45% final, has peer evaluations, topic semi-interesting

- Educational Communication course - no final, but lots of group work and the subject matter sounds really interesting

- Principles of Disease - 70% final :eek: - but really interesting subject matter: "A course designed for students with particular interests in nutrition and biology. The course presents basic concepts of disease in the cells, tissues, organs and fluids of the body. Emphasis will be on disease processes resulting from physical, toxic and microbiological and other causes." - has Robbins Basic Pathology as a text


I'm inclined to go with Principles of Disease, but the Educational Communication course also sounds really interesting. The Food Science course would contribute towards a "Certificate in Food Science" which could be potentially useful depending on where my career goes in the future.


Ah, decisions, decisions...


I would suggest the educational communication course. No final? :cool: ! hehe


NathanS, I did take an oncology course. And from what I remember, it was DEFINITELY worth it! Our prof did a great job at relaying the pharmacological interventions and I remember during our neoplasia week in med it all came together really nicely because I had taken the course beforehand. Not necessary but certainly helpful :)

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I would suggest the educational communication course. No final? :cool: ! hehe


NathanS, I did take an oncology course. And from what I remember, it was DEFINITELY worth it! Our prof did a great job at relaying the pharmacological interventions and I remember during our neoplasia week in med it all came together really nicely because I had taken the course beforehand. Not necessary but certainly helpful :)


Profs can make or break a class, here's hoping he/she is good!

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I'm so pathetic. :P I keep going back and forth between dropping and adding "Principles of Disease" and "Educational Communication." They both just sound so interesting! :)


"Principles of Disease" is also offered in the winter semester, so I'm thinking I could take it then (although I'm told it's in-class instead of online, and it's harder in-class... Hmm.)


Here's the description of the Educational Communication course:

"This course addresses the communication concepts and practices within the formal and non-formal educational contexts. Communication is central to teaching and learning because communication mediates a conscious effort either on the part of the learners to learn, or on the part of the teachers to provide and transfer knowledge, attitudes and skills."


As I'm hoping for a career in public health, it seems like it would be a useful course. But the Principles of Disease course would also be useful and interesting. I just dread the thought of a 70% final.


So yes, I'm pathetic. :P

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mmhmmm! Decisions, decisions! Have you anyone to talk to, in order to see if the final for the online course is HARD? Because if it's a do-able final then...



Yeah, that's part of the problem. It's supposed to be an okay final - not super difficult, but not easy either. Certainly possible to do well if you study. The Communication course, however, has been described as "bird." And while I don't like to consider any course a "bird course" I don't mind if a course is supposed to be easy if it also covers material that I find interesting!


I still have three weeks to decide... I'm sure I'll be adding and dropping a lot back and forth until class selection closes. ;)

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Yeah, that's part of the problem. It's supposed to be an okay final - not super difficult, but not easy either. Certainly possible to do well if you study. The Communication course, however, has been described as "bird." And while I don't like to consider any course a "bird course" I don't mind if a course is supposed to be easy if it also covers material that I find interesting!


I still have three weeks to decide... I'm sure I'll be adding and dropping a lot back and forth until class selection closes. ;)


Bird course? Hmmmm... ;)

Best of luck with your decision! Whatever you pick, I'm sure you'll make the best one possible!

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Love ice cream! Will have some tonight. I promise I will enjoy the weekend. We both work hard to accomplish our goals, there is no other way.


I'll think of you when I have my ginormous strawberry cone :)

I took a jog today so it'll balance out. I hope?


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So happy I entered my course schedule into iCal. We start with GI. So excited to see my friends that have been away all summer. We're going to work out our study schedule together. So we can study together + we're held accountable!


One step closer...

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