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Career Dilemma: Family Medicine Potential Avenues...

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Hi there,

I was wondering what some of the full-time potential avenues for family medicine are.

However, I did an engineering/ biomedical science undergrad... so I was wondering if it's possible to do something along those lines having a family med MD?


The ones I know are:

Family Medicine Office

+1 Hospitalist

+1 EM

+1 Palliative

Occupational Health

+1 sports medicine

+1 geriatrics

Mental health

Addiction Medicine



Are there other full-time jobs that I am missing... like government, biomedical sciences, research? More specifically are there any biomedical science or engineering avenues (aerospace, law?)? Maybe with an extra degree in something?


I am one of those people who found all areas of medicine equally interesting, but was not interested in any particular area to do the long residency and finding jobs. Now I'm wondering if I do family medicine, where can I potentially end up without having to throw my MD degree away. Ideally I could use my undergrad background in engineering/biomed sciences to do something interesting?



I was looking, but this kind of stuff is best word of mouth, so what have you guys heard!?

Thanks so much!


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Hi there, thanks for your response.

My background is pharma, drug development, that sort of stuff. It's difficult because most family med research is based around population health and preventative medicine. Not really interested in that. Hence, i'm wondering if there are any avenues for parma/biomed/engineering/computer science type careers.



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Hi there, thanks for your response.

My background is pharma, drug development, that sort of stuff. It's difficult because most family med research is based around population health and preventative medicine. Not really interested in that. Hence, i'm wondering if there are any avenues for parma/biomed/engineering/computer science type careers.




It doesn't sound like you are very interested in family medicine.

You can always pursue those fields without completing a residency. You will still have the MD beside your name. You just won't have a license to practice medicine, which you don't seem very interested in doing in the first place.

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I would be loath to tell anyone they are not interested in their choice. For instance, if s/he left engineering for med, does that mean s/he didn't like engineering? In this case, no. S/he seems like they are an interest in engineering and family med, hence their choice to practice both.


In terms of research in medical technologies, you MIGHT be more flexible to do more research as a FM rather than a specialist/surgeon if you are willing to work for companies like Johnson&Johnson. Maybe you can look into their website or give them a call. Having a dual engineering and medical degree is certainly a double edge sword.


All the best,



It doesn't sound like you are very interested in family medicine.

You can always pursue those fields without completing a residency. You will still have the MD beside your name. You just won't have a license to practice medicine, which you don't seem very interested in doing in the first place.

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