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A couple questions to which I would very much appreciate answers

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Should I apply with the following stats?:


- OMSAS GPA = 3.71 (is this the same thing as cGPA?) w/ a strong upward trend (3.96 in last two years, but I don't think this matters--correct?)

- Verbal Section = 11 (written in Sept. 2012)

- BSc. with dbl. mjr.


I realize that my stats are decent for IP, but being OOP, do I have a shot for an interview? $325 is a lot to blow if the odds aren't there. Appreciate your info.


You have a chance for sure, it's just going to depend on CASPer. It's up to you if you want to apply, but you miss every shot that you don't take.



I'm in the middle of a course. Based on how I'm doing, I suspect my grade will cause my GPA to rise to 3.72 or perhaps 3.73. Should I wait until I've finished the course and THEN apply?


Canadian schools don't use rolling admissions, so there's no penalty for submitting the application on the last possible day. Just make sure that your transcripts arrive on time.

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Should I apply with the following stats?:


- OMSAS GPA = 3.71 (is this the same thing as cGPA?) w/ a strong upward trend (3.96 in last two years, but I don't think this matters--correct?)

- Verbal Section = 11 (written in Sept. 2012)

- BSc. with dbl. mjr.


I realize that my stats are decent for IP, but being OOP, do I have a shot for an interview? $325 is a lot to blow if the odds aren't there. Appreciate your info.



I'm in the middle of a course. Based on how I'm doing, I suspect my grade will cause my GPA to rise to 3.72 or perhaps 3.73. Should I wait until I've finished the course and THEN apply?


Being OOP will hurt you, but you've got a shot. Like Savac said, your CASPer will be the deciding factor, as it is for most applicants. The upward trend won't matter; McMaster looks only at the cumulative.


Doesn't hurt to wait until your summer course is in. A 3.72 won't change much from a 3.71, but it's still a gain for zero loss, so yeah, wait for it.

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You have a chance for sure, it's just going to depend on CASPer. It's up to you if you want to apply, but you miss every shot that you don't take.


I had similar stats as you, OOP, and I got in. CASPer is a key factor, and then the MMI. Edit: wrong info

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Ups I guess I was wrong this whole time! But either way it doesn't change anything. CASPer is a key stepping stone.


I never realized the MMI was so important for McMaster. I thought the McMaster MMI was the most "gentle" in terms of friendliness and approachability to the questions. The reviewers were all open and welcoming, unlike other schools.


So to the OP: definitely apply. :) And even from a strategic point of view: the waitlist moves quite a bit at McMaster, so it's a good school to apply to.

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that other people decline to go there in favour of other schools?


(I mean it is a great school - a very great school - just not sure if I am missing the logic here or not :) )


I was being sarcastic because of the flaw in the logic that you just pointed out.




Sorry, I was having a bad day.

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I'll add that to my list of reasons why McMaster is a great school.


aw come on! we all know it's super hard to get into med schools in Canada. so there's nothing wrong with applying to a school because the chances to get in are higher than some other schools.


eg. OOP at mcgill vs OOP at mcmaster. I personally would pick mcgill over mcmaster, but if I got into mcmaster and not mcgill I would go.

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