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relationships in undergrad


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Hey, Im ust wondering how many of you have maintained a good relationship during undergrad without it effecting your academic career?


Would any of you recommend it or would you say just to stay clear of it completely?


Thanks in advance to those who take the time to respond :)

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Hey, Im ust wondering how many of you have maintained a good relationship during undergrad without it effecting your academic career?


Would any of you recommend it or would you say just to stay clear of it completely?


Thanks in advance to those who take the time to respond :)


Just don't stick **** in crazy.

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I've been in a relationship with my bf since my our first year of undergrad. We're approaching 7 years now! Obviously I'm incredibly biased that relationships can both work and be very healthy/lovely to have during undergrad and med. But, every relationship is different and I suppose you don't know where it will lead until you see how compatible you are together.


Personally, it's hard for me to imagine not having him in my life and getting through these last few years in undergrad/med, as he's supported me so much. We're best friends and partners :) We've both had to make sacrifices along the way, and will continue to do so.

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My husband has consistently been my biggest supporter through everything. I wouldn't be able to do this without his support. We've been married seven years (on Wednesday) so perhaps my perspective is a little different, but if you have a supportive partner, I see no reason to end a healthy relationship for undergrad.


If your relationship brings a ton of drama to your life or your partner is ridiculously high maintenance, that's probably a good reason to not be in that relationship regardless of whether you're in undergrad or not.

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My husband has consistently been my biggest supporter through everything. I wouldn't be able to do this without his support. We've been married seven years (on Wednesday) so perhaps my perspective is a little different, but if you have a supportive partner, I see no reason to end a healthy relationship for undergrad.


If your relationship brings a ton of drama to your life or your partner is ridiculously high maintenance, that's probably a good reason to not be in that relationship regardless of whether you're in undergrad or not.


I agree with Birdy. My husband is my strongest supporter, in addition to being my best friend.


I know plenty of people who had relationships throughout their undergraduate studies, who still managed to make it into professional programs, including medicine.

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Hey, Im ust wondering how many of you have maintained a good relationship during undergrad without it effecting your academic career?


Would any of you recommend it or would you say just to stay clear of it completely?


Thanks in advance to those who take the time to respond :)


The last thing you need in undergrad is a significant other who is unstable, needy, a distraction as such traits will negatively affect your academic performance.


On the other hand, having a supportive, calm significant other who understands you and is always there for you is an entirely different matter.


A good relationship should not negatively affect your academic performance. You need to choose carefully. I have seen many longterm relationships (starting in undergrad) break up in med school. I have never enquired why this has happened as it is none of my business.


Absolutely, if you find someone with the right qualities, then go for it.

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I'm like Birdy and NutritionRunner. My husband was my rock and my main support throughout undergrad. We are non-trad, and both of us have embarked on this crazy quest to get into medical school together. I think it's about finding a person that understands your drive, your determination and your independence. Vice versa. It has to be an understanding companionship that is stable and strong. I think the quality of the relationship can say a lot about it's longevity through life experiences like undergrad and medical school.


I think if you can't handle a relationship in undergrad, then what makes you think that you can handle a relationship in medical school, as a resident or even as a doctor?

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I think if you can't handle a relationship in undergrad, then what makes you think that you can handle a relationship in medical school, as a resident or even as a doctor?


This is a really solid point. Im always usually really certain on things but this has really started to get me to think, not in a good or bad way but it is just a very interesting argument to make.

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Going to have to disagree with narwhale's argument above. From what I've heard from graduated docs, undergrad is the most competitive and uncertain stage of becoming a doc. Beyond that you pretty much know you've made it. So I feel its much easier to sustain a relationship after undergrad when school isn't as stressful.

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While they are both good arguments I guess it really is like most are saying, if the SO is supportive and actually helps you stay down to earth yada yada yada then its probably better to have the relationship then not, where as if they are demanding and not understanding then its a bad idea. I guess its on a case by case basis and like anything else everyone will be different.

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