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Tips for making it through pharmacy school???


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I recently just started pharmacy school this past Aug as a P1. Only been in school for about a month. I am consistently overwhelmed with the volume of information being presented in class. So far my grades are low As. However, I just feel like I am struggling through the P1 year and it's just the beginning. I take good notes, recorder and re-listen to lectures, and make flash cards....but sometimes it still doesn't seem to help. I'm worried that I won't make it through the rest of the program. Does anyone have any tips that worked for them? For instance, how to study and not brain-dump information. That seems to be a problem for me and I don't know how to overcome it. (by the way I do study days in advance for hours upon hours no it's not like I'm not putting enough effort in). There are times when I don't know how I will make it through the week let alone the semester. Not to mention my memory skills are not up to what they used to be. I feel like it takes me 3 times as long to learn the same material as everyone else in my class. Am I alone on this?


I want to hear from pharmacy students who have struggled through school and how you overcame it. Are you pharmacists now? Also, if anyone else has any tips for studying/memory that will help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Being blunt, the first year pharmacy should be the easiest. Here are my tips.


1. Get rid of the recorder. Pay close attention in class.

2. Always review right after school. This is the most efficient way of studying.

3. Even when you are sitting down eating or waiting for a bus, study. Ask yourself a question. What are the first line drugs for COPD? Which antibiotics are static or cidal?

4. Don't work unless you are working in a pharmacy.

5. Try to imagine a person or a patient in front of you and regurgitate the information. It shouldn't be word for word of what is written in your lecture notes.

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Being blunt, the first year pharmacy should be the easiest. Here are my tips.


1. Get rid of the recorder. Pay close attention in class.

2. Always review right after school. This is the most efficient way of studying.

3. Even when you are sitting down eating or waiting for a bus, study. Ask yourself a question. What are the first line drugs for COPD? Which antibiotics are static or cidal?

4. Don't work unless you are working in a pharmacy.

5. Try to imagine a person or a patient in front of you and regurgitate the information. It shouldn't be word for word of what is written in your lecture notes.


I concur. Just to add one thing...


Pharmacy is not a sprint. It's a marathon. Keep in mind life long learning. This has a few implications

- Details are not important. Get the big picture (a precise big picture) and forget about the details. (you might wanna memorize it right before the exam and forget afterwards.) You can always look up details.

- You build on one knowledge after another. If you study too much, get stressed, and get burnt out, you will miss the big picture. Then, there's a hole in your knowledge base and you won't be able to grasp advanced concepts in the upper year.


Remember, things are different than undergrad. The volume of information presented to you is enormous. Important thing is to get the big picture. All those extra detail is there only to help you get a precise big picture. Once you have a big picture, you can forget about the extra detail.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there is no trick or easy way of making it through pharmacy school.


It is a very challenging program that will require you to develop stellar time and stress management skills, both which you will need when you are out in the workforce.


Pharmacy can be a very demanding career, and at times be very stressful. There is a reason that the program isn't easy. First of all, there is a LOT of information being presented to you, because there is a LOT of information that you are required to know when you're a pharmacist.


As far as tips to help you through it:


1) Don't skip lectures, labs or tutorials.

2) Pay attention, take notes. Learn how to write shorthand or abbreviate.

3) Develop your time and stress management skills. This won't only save you during pharmacy school, but will help when you're in the workforce. Learn how to prioritize.

4) Realize that pharmacy is a difficult and challenging program. A 90% grade in pharmacy is undoubtedly more difficult to obtain than a 90% in numerous other courses.

5) Don't compare yourself to other students. Focus on where you are struggling, and make a plan to improve. You will all be graduating with the same degree. Employers generally don't want to see your transcripts.

6) Don't forget to set aside time for yourself and to do things you enjoy doing. Subjecting yourself to nothing but pharmacy for 4 years will make you dull, not to mention probably drive you crazy.


Oh, and most importantly (a quote from one of my pharmacy professors when I was in school): "STUDY HARD!"


Hope this helps!

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