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MS1 and getting involved

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Hey guys,


I'm a MS1 at an Ontario Med School, and I had a few questions about getting involved. Since Canadian Med. Schools are P/F I was wondering how important is extra-curricular involvement when it comes to CARMS. I'm invovled with a few initiatives (one exec position, a few clubs, some mentorship) that I really enjoy, but on the other hand there are some people that are involved in almost everything! How important is this stuff when it comes to matching? Thanks, I'm really naive to this whole medschool thing lol!

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Similar to medical school applications, quality over quantity (i.e. better if you can demonstrate some leadership or be able to talk about the activity in depth during an interview). It sounds like you already have a good set of activities that you enjoy - don't feel like you need to be involved in everything at the expense of your personal time / studying / clinical exposure and research etc.

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Similar to medical school applications, quality over quantity (i.e. better if you can demonstrate some leadership or be able to talk about the activity in depth during an interview). It sounds like you already have a good set of activities that you enjoy - don't feel like you need to be involved in everything at the expense of your personal time / studying / clinical exposure and research etc.


Yeah I would second this - ECs are a relatively minor part of CARMS but they do help a bit. Pick something you like and exceed in it but the focus should be learning the medicine and staying sane :)

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