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PT MMI at McMaster U

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A lot of the practice material and information about the MMI out there on the web is geared towards medical school MMI's. They seemed to include the acting out a scenario portion and a collaborative section where you work with a partner. I was wondering if these interview types are included in the the PT version of the MMI. Are there any past applicants that are able to disclose this? I'm not asking about the specific scenarios, I'm just curious to know if these styles are going to be included. Thanks!

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A lot of the practice material and information about the MMI out there on the web is geared towards medical school MMI's. They seemed to include the acting out a scenario portion and a collaborative section where you work with a partner. I was wondering if these interview types are included in the the PT version of the MMI. Are there any past applicants that are able to disclose this? I'm not asking about the specific scenarios, I'm just curious to know if these styles are going to be included. Thanks!


I asked a girl who had done the OT MMI and she looked at me like a I had three heads when I mentioned the acting scenarios. I think that there are scenario type questions but no actual role playing scenarios like I've read about online.

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I remember hearing that med and pharmacy MMIs may have included acting and partner stations, but I don't remember ever hearing about that sort of thing for PT and OT.


I think it might also be the time constraint. At Mac, each MMI station for PT is shorter than the ones for med.


That said, using the prompts you find for preparing for med MMI's are still helpful for preparing for PT/OT interviews.

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