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What do you think my chances are of getting in to U of Waterloo?


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I'm in my third of chemistry at University of Windsor and am working towards prerequisites for Waterloo which I should have done by the end of this next semester. I currently have a 91.5% average. I am also part of the outstanding scholars program here, so I have 2 years experience working in a chemistry research lab. I have about a week of experience job shadowing a pharmacist, but that's it. She's also a friend of my parents and would be willing to write my reference, though I hadn't seen her in years before asking her to job shadow. I haven't done any volunteer work during my time in university though I have about 300 hours of volunteer work from high school (though I doubt that would be very relevant). I'm just wondering if this is enough to get in? The application is due by February, would it be worth it to try and get a volunteer position during that time? I feel like it's probably too late.

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I'm in my third of chemistry at University of Windsor and am working towards prerequisites for Waterloo which I should have done by the end of this next semester. I currently have a 91.5% average. I am also part of the outstanding scholars program here, so I have 2 years experience working in a chemistry research lab. I have about a week of experience job shadowing a pharmacist, but that's it. She's also a friend of my parents and would be willing to write my reference, though I hadn't seen her in years before asking her to job shadow. I haven't done any volunteer work during my time in university though I have about 300 hours of volunteer work from high school (though I doubt that would be very relevant). I'm just wondering if this is enough to get in? The application is due by February, would it be worth it to try and get a volunteer position during that time? I feel like it's probably too late.


I think you have a great shot! Your grades are great. I had an interview there last year (but didn't go because preferred another school, sort of regret that though because I've heard great things about Waterloo) and I only had one day of pharmacy shadowing, so you had more pharmacy experience than I did. If the pharmacist you shadowed is still willing to write you a reference, you should pursue that because the reference HAS to be from a health care professional. Remember to include all other experiences you've had that show that you'd make a great pharmacist (employment, extracurriculars, etc.) because I do think they a lot about the subjective components of the application. Good luck!

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