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Questions regarding applying to med schools in Australia

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Hello all,


I'm interested in applying to med schools in Australia, but I'm mainly concerned about the financial aspects.


I'm not a resident of Canada or the United States or any European country. Therefore, I cannot really apply for med school in the US or Canada, or the UK, that's why I'm thinking of Australia.


My questions:

- Can I get a loan to pay for tuition fees? How does that work?

- Do I pay back my loan by working in Australia necessarily, or can I leave the country and work else where and still pay back my loans?

- I'm a little confused as to when the semester starts in Australian schools; is it February?


I would be most grateful if you can help me on this, any related information would be most appreciated!

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Loans are secured through wherever your country is. You would have to talk to the banks wherever you're from to see what the best options are. You can work wherever you want to pay back your loan. Of course you would have to find post-graduate training first that is recognized in the place you want to work, before you're able to start working.

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