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What to do in summer after getting accepted?

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Firstly, if you were to go back, what things would you have done differently the summer after you got in?


Secondly, I'm currently doing some clinical research and there's an opportunity to start a new project this summer in the field I'm interested in pursuing. If I get in, should I keep doing that or should I just relax i.e. go travelling, hobbies etc..

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Firstly, if you were to go back, what things would you have done differently the summer after you got in?


Secondly, I'm currently doing some clinical research and there's an opportunity to start a new project this summer in the field I'm interested in pursuing. If I get in, should I keep doing that or should I just relax i.e. go travelling, hobbies etc..


If it is anything that I regret not doing, that would be to travel. It is difficult to find time off to go traveling once med school starts.

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Travel is a great option


I did research + another job in the summer because 1. the pay was sweet and 2. my PI was awesome and wrote me a fantastic reference letter, so I wanted to finish the project before leaving. I don't think I would have wanted to work otherwise


EDIT: a word of caution, if you work too much in the summer your government financial aid might be reduced. Especially in Ontario, where you lose grants. The threshold of income before aid is reduced is not high. It was depressing to find out that I still had to depend on my LOC in first year...


So unless you are making serious bank, take some time off and enjoy the summer. I'm so glad I took a few weeks towards the end to travel

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Firstly, if you were to go back, what things would you have done differently the summer after you got in?


Secondly, I'm currently doing some clinical research and there's an opportunity to start a new project this summer in the field I'm interested in pursuing. If I get in, should I keep doing that or should I just relax i.e. go travelling, hobbies etc..


just to add - the general concensus among most people I have talked to is to on relaxing, traveling, spending time with friends and family you may not see much of for a while. You have basically four major chunks of time off in your life prior to retirement at this point (for most students). This summer, the summers after first and second year, and finally the 6 odd weeks post medical school and prior to residency. This is the only one of those 4 that is actually completely risk or guilt free - the ones in medical school could be spent on clinical or research work (and often are), and the last one prior to residency may involve moving and setting up one way or the other a new life before a very busy period of training.


You have worked hard to get in - don't be afraid to spend some times smelling the roses :)

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I was just thinking about this (although I'm superstitious to think about it too much!). Any different ideas for non-trads? Not sure if I should take 3, 4 or 5 weeks off before classes start if I get in. Not sure if I should go without my ft wage for that amount of time, or does it all really not matter compared to the massive LOC you get?

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