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UBC interview from 2002

Guest Cramguy

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Guest Cramguy

Seeing how others have done this, I thought I help out some of those who are applying to UBC this year. These questions are those I remember from both of my interviews.


1) What do you think of Canada's healthcare system


2) What do you think of a 2-tier system? (The interviewer proceeded to offer evidence for a 2-tier system while I had stood by my stance to oppose it.)


3) So I see you have done (interviewer picks something from your CV), tell me about it


4) What was your biggest mistake


5) Can you tell me a time you failed


6) Two patients: One an alcoholic homeless, the other a responsible father of 2. Both need a transplant - who do you give it to? (Again, the interviewer will try and push your answer down whatever it will be. Be prepared to defend while being "cool and calm".)


7) Aside from medicine, what other careers have you chosen?


8) Would you want to work in rural areas?


9) Tell me a leadership experience


10) Do you enjoy working in groups


11) Why did you study ______ in university? Why did you not pursue a career in _______?


That's all I can remember for now. Will post more as they come to my mind.




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Guest Koggetsu

can someone who got into meds tell me how they would answer taht question?


would u tell them how u considered other careers but then always end up finding that its not as good as medicine somehow?


or would u really say something that u would consider? and would it be better to say something related or not related to health care field?


thanx thanx for any help!!

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Guest Ian Wong

It will depend on you. Be honest and be yourself. It isn't a sin to have considered other careers; it might even be foolish to NOT have considered other careers. :)


There is no one correct answer, and someone else's answer is not the one you should be using.



UBC, Med 4

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Guest Cramguy

Just to add to Ian's comment.


Don't worry about giving what you might consider your true answer. After all, as Ian has said (or as our lecturers like to use nowadays, to "recapitulate"), there is no one correct answer.


I won't give my answer as I think it would probably do more harm than good on a forum like this - it'll probably take away from your answer, which is probably a better one ;) . However, the general idea of what I said related to my alternate career choice and how I hoped to actually incorporate that into my future career as a MD. Personally, I don't think that you have to necessarily exclude your past career goals when you pursue an MD.


I hope that helps. I remembered that this was a tough question, and I put a lot of thought into it so that my response would not take away from the fact that I really want to get in! (ie. "Yeah, I love medicine, but I really like this other career more.") That wouldn't be good ;) .


Good Luck




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