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Do I Have Any Chance Of Getting Into A Pt Program In Canada?

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I was just wondering if I have a remote chance to get into a physiotherapy program in Canada given my low GPA and if I should bother applying for the 2015 intake. I jumped around in school a lot and it wasn't untill my last two years or year an a half that i decided I was interested in Physiotherapy, therefore my grades suffered. I graduated with a undergrad in Business from a university that uses a 4.33 grading scale and I'm a resident of British Columbia.


cGPA is 2.83

Last 30 credits  around 3.5  ( with the prereqs 3.36 )

Last 60 3.0


I have the prereqs for most of the schools in Canada except Manitoba, as far as i know and volunteer experience.


I also was wondering if anyone had some input into my options and if they would be worth it, such as:

-Retaking some of the business classes i did poorly in to bump up my cGPA, which of course were the classes that I hated with the passion.

-Or any ideas for international schools which are recognized in Canada. preferable ones that wont put me into unimaginable debt, which seems like most of them.


Thank you

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My mistake! I definetly read what you wrote wrong-yes you are correct 60 credits would be 20 courses (I generally do not think in credits, so when I saw 60 I wasn't paying attention sorry!). 


From what I have found-3.0 will not be competitive based on last cycles cutoffs (especially for interviews). Queen's can be a bit of an odd ball-so although you meet their cut off, it you are not course heavy in anat/physiology, they may look down on the lower GPA. 


A recommendation I have heard is to aim for a 3.8+ (based on the interview cutoffs last cycle and projecting forward), I think your best bet would be to look at your courses and either 

a) as you said, retake courses if you did especially bad on a few that are pulling down your gpa or 

B) take a bunch of physio related courses to bump the bad courses out of your last 60 credits and improve both your GPA and your knowledge of physiology/anatomy :)


That being said a 3.0 is not awful and you will definetly be able to improve so don't let it hold you back (but I think my advice might be to take a year and upgrade courses unless you are set on schools with no interview cutoffs) :)


**edit: is that a 3.0 out of 4.0?

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No worries, thanks for all your help and I am looking at some courses at Athabasca at the moment :)

The GPA is tricky cause my school uses a 4.33 rating, but for universities with a 4.0 scale it seems like it only effects A+ grades..like an A & A+ is a 4.0, it is a bit confusing. I'm just very hesitant on taking too many courses this semester as I graduated in may and I was in school for 6 years more or less before that... doesn't seem like I have much of a choice though if I want to get into next intake.

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Thanks Tricolour44


Yeah I'm looking at picking up two courses to upgrade my Anatomy & Physiology requirement at UBC. One class is Bio 230 - Human Physiology, which is worth 6 credits ( says a 12 month course) and Bio 320 - Comparative Anatomy of the vertebrates, worth 3 credits. Just waiting for an email back from UBC to see if these two combined would cover the requirement. I was kinda worried about being able to finish these two courses by the application deadline, but if you managed to finish one in a month..then I should be able to finish these two relatively fast if I work a them?? Which would be amazing if I hope to get some traveling in this year :P

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I have to be totally honest though-I have a very strong background in anatomy/physiology-so for me finishing courses in a month wasn't a problem-however I know even my TA commented to me the rate I was finishing at it-not to discourage you-but I also realized I should give a disclaimer (to you and anyone else who might be reading this) that it is possible, but was extremely hard (even given my background just due to the sheer volumne of memorizing!) and other than the times I was working I was constantly studying. Good luck!! :) 

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