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Applied For 2 Specialties - Safe To Do Only In-Province Interviews


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Hi all, 


I applied for FM and IM and received interview invites from 4 FM schools in Ontario and almost all the IM schools across the country. I'm thinking of just attending my in-province IM and FM interviews - that would be a total of 9 interviews - is that safe to play? 


the OOP IM interviews are clashing with my schedule at present and im afraid im going to be exhausted if I actually attend all those - can people comment on the level of exhaustion and how that played in during interviews (esp if you applied to 2 specialties)? 

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yes it is exhausting to do two tours, particularly if they are going in opposite directions across the country. I did it last year, it was rough but a necessary part of my decision making process.


only you know if you're comfortable with 9 tickets in the lottery as opposed to 15 or 20....(no idea how many IM interviews you were granted in addition to IP).


I'm afraid you'll have to weigh the pros and cons here of doing fewer interviews and determine what level of risk you're comfortable with.


best of luck with the tour!


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Is it tiring? Sure.


Is it more tiring than 1 in 4 call on IM? I don't know.


Will you be more tired for the interviews at the end of the tour? This question is more about your performance - at that point, you'll also be more experienced, which may balance things out.


Will you be safe limiting your interviews? Maybe, but will you be more stressed going into each one as each is proportionately higher stakes?

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I would encourage you to attend as many interviews as possible. It will very likely be fine, but CaRMS is generally a one shot deal and it's worth being a bit more tired or spending a bit more over a few weeks. I can certainly see that you might not be able to get to all the OOP IM interviews, but maybe try to prioritize which programs you're more interested in. 

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