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Uofc Vs. Ubc

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Hi guys,


I'm finding myself in the totally unexpected and very lucky position of sitting on offers from both UBC (regional program) and U of C. Since UofC gave me the news over two weeks ago I had become really excited to go there, but now with a new option I'm very torn. Can anyone point out some of the trickier aspects I should know about before making my choice? This is tough info to gather because everyone seems to focus on the great parts of their particular program. While I can totally appreciate the optimistic attitudes I'd like to know that I have the whole truth before diving in.


Any comments would be very welcome! Thanks!

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I think you should ask this in UBC forum as well to get the best answers...


I would take a 4yr program over a 3yr program any day after speaking with friends who went to UofC, especially with BC weather...but i may be biased as I'm wait listed at UoC  :lol:

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I know a few doctors who recently graduated from U of C. It's a nice place but they all tell me if there's one thing they'd do differently is take a 4 year program especially if you're still young. But everyone has their own reasons for choosing different schools, so congrats on getting two offers! 

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I think you'll hear from both sides, 3 years works for some, while it doesnt for others. The curriculum though at UofC from what I hear (and have read) cuts out some fluff that other 4 year curriculums have - and focus on being clinically relevant. So its not compressing as much as you would think, but it definitely is compressing a little. Which at the end of the day, you only go through 1 program, so it will be the norm for you regardless. 

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I've heard a lot of disdain from UBC grads about how "pointless" a lot of first/second year was. I believe it focuses heavily on basic sciences. The curriculum personally at Calgary appeals to me more, I just love the city of Vancouver too much to turn it down. 

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