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Continuing A Masters Into Med School

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Hi all,

I am an incoming med student at an Ontario med school. I was accepted mid-way through a thesis-based masters. The coursework for this masters is complete, and I've just started the actual research component. My supervisor is based out the same university and he is happy to continue supervising my thesis well into med school, but is also totally alright with me leaving the program.


There are no hard timelines or deadlines by which I would need to have this thesis completed and my supervisor is very flexible. The project is focused on internal medicine, so may be potentially helpful for CaRMS ... (maybe? no?)


I am wondering if anybody has any thoughts about how feasible / useful continuing work on an MSc part time, more or less 'on my own schedule' during years 1 and 2 will be. Will it be to my advantage to continue and finish this in terms of CaRMS and potential academic careers down the road? I love research in general and expect to be doing a good deal of it during my MD, either as part of this thesis, or not. 


Thanks so much for any perspectives!


(PS, I cannot be a combined MD-MSc student as my school doesn't have that option).


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Hopefully I am wrong, but I had thought the med school requires you to complete your Masters, i.e., obtain your degree, prior to a given date, like June 30th. The way you pose your question, it would seem you are satisfied that you shall be entering the med school despite not having obtained your Masters already. Summers aside, during years 1 & 2 I would have had absolutely no time to work on a MSc part time. I took off one day a week for family and friends. In my opinion, this would be of very limited value for CaRMS as all the other ingredients have to fall into place to get that all important interview, e.g., Motivational Letter, LORs, excellent evaluations.

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Best to talk to the medical school. Assuming that its one of the ones that's ok with you starting without completing a masters in progress. They may have options available specifically for students doing research degrees (even if there is no formal MD/MSc, or you could find out what your options are for research during elective periods.


I will note though, that a full ~2 year research masters would be extremely difficult to complete by CARMS if just done on personal time/elective time. So that should be a discussion you have with the MD admin/your MSc supervisor. You might want to find out if you can take a research year after 2nd year etc.

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