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Competitive Mcat Score

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No one knows yet, and AAMC advises people to not compare the old MCAT and new MCAT....and I hope you're aware that only the CARS (use to be called VR) section is considered.


Just as a heads up, the rest of the MCAT is looked at in the 10% Global Assessment of Academic Merit section at UofC.


Section 5.1.3 of the Applicant Manual:



This includes, but is not limited to, such things as the types of courses taken, trends in grades over time, extenuating circumstances, consistency and global review of all sections of the MCAT.

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so if I destroy every section but bomb CARS that shouldn't be problem because i would have a good overall score? don't kid yourself


Pretty sure nobody said that. Just reporting the facts. The other sections may not have as much weight as CARS, but the are considered in your application score, and they are required for an application to UofC. As well, you can't be certain whether or not the people veiwing the files will look negatively upon someone who has a okay CARS score, but has bombed all the other sections. It can be a subjective process, thus its hard to say what will make the difference between getting an interview or not getting one. So it's best to prepare for all for the sections if you can.

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so if I destroy every section but bomb CARS that shouldn't be problem because i would have a good overall score? don't kid yourself

I never said that as Hyperalgesia stated. If you read the manual, the cutoff is 127 for OOP. Their global assessment takes note of past and current MCAT scores for every section. Dr. Walker also confirmed this (what I wrote is nearly verbatim).


127 is not "bomb". It's the percentile equivalent of a 10 which is a fairly solid score. Plenty of individuals get into medical school with a 10 VR (multiple schools in fact).

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