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Anyone Else Get Destroyed By Cars?

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  • 11 months later...

I honestly feel that CARS and GPA play a minor role in whether someone gets an interview or not. At U of C, they heavily weigh your extracurriculars, so I think you  probably have a GREAT chance even with CARS score that is on the lower side :) I had an interview with a much lower MCAT and much much lower GPA. I'd say that you have a very good chance


Best of Luck 

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Unfortunately Queens and UofT might be out for you, as the 125 likely will not meet their cutoffs.

As doc said, definitely try UofA and UofC, your solid GPA will counter the CARS.

UofT cutoff's are 125, please don't give out inaccurate information.


Also you do not know the Queen's cutoffs so OP I would still apply to both schools

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