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What Do You Think Of My Chance?

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Hi everyone,


I know these questions might be annoying but I would like an input about what you think as a premed, or as an Ottawa Med student.

I have applied this cycle to 4 schools but my MCAT scores came after I applied and did REALLY bad on CARS so have no shot anywhere.

My only hope now is Ottawa, I want to know if I have a shot or I just should forget about it.



Yr 1: 3.89

Yr 2: 3.99
cGPA for Ottawa: 3.95 

Ecs: have a lot but my top 3 for ottawa are:



1) organizer of charity fundraising events/dinners
2) Founder of a non-profit drama team

3) Volunteer at a hospital in recreation therapy 



1) Research Assistant at an Environmental Cancer Working Group

2) President of a research club
3) Completed a physician shadowing summer program



1) President's List for all my semesters

2) Award of excellence in acting

3) Dedication to service award of recognition


Research: NONE


CASper: to be done this month

I personally know my chances are slim, I would just like more input. I know it is no guarantee but your ideas are really appreciated.








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Also, do you not have employment? Or did you forget it?



Why would your chances be slim? As long as you do actually having employment entries, you have a strong GPA and ECs, just no research experience. That describes plenty of people. You getting an interview will be just as random as it is with anyone else. Just hold your breath until late January



Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it!! I do have employment, I forgot to put in the post here 

1) Tutor at the university

2) Gas Station Attendant 


Not the greatest employment, needed the money  :D

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Your GPA is competitive so good work academically, I was in the same boat for CARS butI did the old mcat so technically it was VR. Anyways, hope for the best and keep your head held high - you'll find out in a few months


Thanks!! Ya verbal screwed me over. I just wish I get into Ottawa so I don't have to repeat it again in the summer. Studying for the MCAT isn't fun :D

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