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Pre Interview Scores

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Dr. Walker said during my interview day that they would try to get out the acceptances once they're ready. He said *COULD* be as soon as late April. No guarantee though


This would be awesome, especially since classes/orientation starts in early July now rather than at the end of July. It would only make sense (to me) to also release the admission decisions earlier.

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This would be awesome, especially since classes/orientation starts in early July now rather than at the end of July. It would only make sense (to me) to also release the admission decisions earlier.


+1 - I know for me personally (and I'm sure a lot of others) it'd be better for my mental health to get it while not expecting it :P  If it's going to be for sure released on a particular day like May 15th, I know that I'm going to be ridiculously unproductive and stressed in the week or so leading up to it. No matter what the outcome is, it'd be nice to not be thinking about it beforehand, and to not lose as much sleep as I predict I'm going to coming up to decision release day.

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Out of curiosity - what takes so long to make the decisions? I thought that it was all fairly algorithmic. I had always just assumed May 15th was a formality that most schools stuck too, and it wasn't necessarily because the process took that long.

I don't know why either but I have a few guesses.


Well they probably have to go through each interviewee's score and enter it into whatever database that they have. And also make the random calls to confirm activities listed on our applications.

I'm betting that anyone helping the admissions staff is doing this on a part-time basis when their other work is not in the way.


Also, another guess is that it's not completely algorithmic. There may be some applicants that are accepted even if they don't meet the specific cut-offs. So they may have to pick and choose which takes time. I'm referring to that alternative admissions policy (section 5.4 in applicant manual). This policy is supposedly new for 2015, but I wouldn't be surprised if something similar was in effect before.


We just gotta wait it out :cool:

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I think they go through everyones application a second time (?). I just got an email yesterday asking to clarify one of my Top 10 (but didn't get any inquiry prior to interviews).


Interesting how they would do that.

I would have thought that they would be quite confident in their pre-interview evaluations considering how invitations are dependent on them...

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