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MSc graduate


RC 27, AA 26

Hard to rank my ABS - I only had 25 hours of shadowing but a good amount of research experience and moderate volunteer experience (mostly during my undergrad) - so maybe a 3

I think my statement was fairly well written so maybe a 4.


Interestingly, it appears the interview will not be CDA but also interviewers will NOT have the ABS and statement info with them during the interview. I am curious what they will ask

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IP (4th year undergrad)

Undergrad 91.1%

23 RC, 20 AA


I would say 5 for ABS and statement. Over 200 hours of shadowing, volunteered on dental teams throughout Central/South America, 3 research projects with 2 publications, 2 exec positions, 2 teaching assistant positions, speak 4 languages, study abroad experience (worked on personal statement for a while)


Quite different interview experience since it will be a closed-file traditional panel interview, 

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Undergrad, 3.76 GPA

20 AA, 22 RC

3ish for ABS and personal statement, TA work, work in a dental office part time all through school, some volunteering with biology society.


Going to retake the DAT, barely studied for it. Also going to apply to a few American schools this year. 

Congratulations to all who got an invitation.

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Average: 90.02%

DAT: 22RC, 21 AA
ABS Evaluation: Probably a 3/4, I have decent employment and volunteer activities, very little shadowing and one research activity going on at the moment. My personal statement could have been better now that I'm re-reading it. 

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