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Mcmaster Vs Mcgill

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I am stuck trying to decide between McMaster and McGill for OT. I know that much of it is personal choice, but was hoping that current OT students from either of these schools could share some of their experiences about the program.


I actually went to McMaster for my undergrad and heard that PBL can be a challenge, but it is actually the main reason I want to go to Mac, and I'm pretty excited about the different style of learning. 

I don't know too much about McGill and the perks or drawbacks of their program, so if someone could shed some light on that I would really appreciate it!

I know McMaster does the northern study stream which I am interested in, but can anyone comment on the international placement opportunities in either of the schools? 


Thank you!


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I have heard of McGill OT students doing international placements - I believe you can read about it on their website.


While I'm not in OT, I thought I'd mention that McGill involves learning French if you're not bilingual already. ~50% of your patients will be French, and you'll have to learn some eventually in order to communicate. While some placements may have more anglophone patients, you will encounter patients at some point that only speak French.

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