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was I close?

Guest hippo

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Hey, I'm an OOP interviewee this year at U of Manitoba. I also interviewed last year and today I just got the info on my composite score from last year which I requested from Dr. Aoki. The thing I am concerned about is that there seems to be very little space for improvement and I am puzzled as to whether I have real chances for this year.


I received a score of 83/100 which included a score of 43/50 translating into 34.4/40 for my PAS. My gpa and MCAT is the same as last year, of course, so the only area that I can do better with this year is my PAS. The thing is, 34.4 out of 40 doesn't strike me as really low. I lose a lot of marks with my gpa which is only 3.8 on the 4.5 scale.


What I'm wondering about is whether or not I was "close". I didn't even get on the waitlist last year so the scores of other OOP's must have been really high! I suppose I'm just wanting a bit of reassurance which is a bit weak on my part but it just seems so challenging that I'd have to get full marks on my PAS to even just qualify for the waitlist...


Is 43/50 a "good" score? Or am I just dreaming?

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Guest ManitobaMed

Hey hippo,


Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the scores normally are for the PAS or the total score (either for in or out of province), so I can't really comment on that basis. The only advice I can give is to be as natural as possible in the interview and hope for the best. (Pretty lame, I know. :\ ) It might be that all the OOP applicants last year were really close together, so an improvement of a couple of points in this year's score could yield an acceptance or waitlist offer. Just know that if you have an interview, you have a shot at an acceptance. There are people in my class who were rejected or waitlisted (without an acceptance) in the past who received early acceptance for my year -- so don't count yourself out!


Best of luck!!! (And I wish I could give you a better idea of your chances. :( )

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Guest MiniMedGirl

Hey Hippo,


Did you get you ranking from Dr. Aoki as well? It would tell you where you placed out of all the interviewees. Another thing too, although your various scores may have been good, even a little change (like 0.1) can change your place by alot. I know of people who submitted recalculated marks from their university (due to grading errors) and they were bumped up a number of places on the overall rank list. Don't give up!!! Good luck!

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Guest brandonite

Yup, she's right. I know of a case where the GPA was calculated slightly wrong (a B was substituted for an A), and that person moved up 10 spots on the waitlist. Right around the bubble, the scores must be really really close.

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Now I'm going to get a bit nitpicky...


I went to Mcgill for my undergrad and they don't have A+'s, but I did get a few 90+'s in my transcript. Would these be considered 4's or 4.5's?


...Maybe I should just talk to the admissions office!:rolleyes

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Guest ManitobaMed

Hey hippo,


Getting in touch with admissions would probably be a good idea. :)


I'm guessing a 90+ on your transcript would be a 4.5, particularly if McGill doesn't have an official A+, but you should definitely have that confirmed.



To kelly,


Some OOP students at the U of M have found the advantage of the U of M admissions process to be its emphasis on MCAT scores, rather than GPA. If you meet the AGPA cut-off for an interview, you have a shot at an acceptance -- especially if your MCAT scores are high.

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